10 ♥ Gossiping

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“And that’s how you find x,” Jackson explained while I was trying my best to stay awake.


He rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to keep doing this if you aren’t going to put in the effort.”

“I am putting in the effort! I’m studying, I’m trying my best. I just had a late night, that’s all.”

“No fucking way,” he said, much louder than necessary. Countless kids at the tables surrounding ours glanced up. He ignored them.  “You guys just got busted, and you’re already so quick to leave campus. You two are ridiculous.”


“They’re emailing out the cast list tomorrow, and I swear if you get Juliet you better give it your all.”

“So protective of your theater, aren’t you?” I mocked. He rolled his eyes again.

“I just don’t want you to turn the whole show into a disaster. Chastity has never missed a rehearsal, and I hope I can expect the same from you.”

“Slow your roll, okay. Neither of us is even technically in the play yet.”

“You’ll get in,” he assured.

“You don’t know that.”

“Trust me,” he said. “I know that.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I remained quiet.

“Anyway, I got to get going. I’ll see you tomorrow, and good luck on that math quiz”

I nodded and he packed up his bags, leaving me at the table alone. I leaned back in my seat and sighed. Boarding school was not what I’d expected it to be, and certainly not what my parents expected. Although they didn’t know of the disappointment yet.

To say I wasn’t enjoying it would be wrong. I really was. I’d met great people in the short time I’d been there, but while the social aspect of my life was currently thriving I was suffering academically and we weren’t even a month in.

“Hey,” called a familiar voice from the entrance of the library. Multiple people shushed Emma as she walked toward me, but she simply rolled her eyes and dropped her bag on the table, taking the seat across from mine.

“Hey,” I said with a smile, talking much quieter than she had been.

“What brings you to the dungeon of silence?” she asks.

“Jackson just left. He’s been tutoring me.”

“I’m sure that’s delightful.”

“Oh, it is.”

We both laughed, earning more scowls and hushes from around the room.

“Well screw them,” she breathed. “But really I feel like an asshole being loud in a library. I only came to return some book I checked out for English class. Do you wanna get out of here?”

I smiled and nodded. She dropped her book in the return bin and together we strolled out of the building.

“Finally,” she said. “Anyways, I think I heard something about a party in town. Except, I know you and Ida got caught the other night so I’m really on the fence about going.”

“We went out again last night and didn’t get caught,” I said as we walked across campus toward the rec center.

“Seriously? You have more balls than I thought you did.”

“Where’s the party?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Some kid’s house whose parents aren’t home I’m guessing. It doesn’t really matter, as long as it’s fun. I could use some fun lately. I don’t really go out like I used to.”

Niall’s words about her relationship with Harry flashed through my mind.

“Why is that?” I questioned casually.

“Eh, you know. People’s bullshit.”

I could tell she didn’t plan on elaborating.

“Anyone in specific?”

She looked at me with a smirk fixed on her face. “Those boys have been gossiping, haven’t they?”

My face turned red as I realized I’d been found out. I instantly felt guilty for prying, or even listening to Niall talk about her relationship in the first place.

“I’m sorry…I…They….”

“Let me guess. Niall’s the culprit, isn’t he?” She was smiling still and didn’t seem the least bit pissed off or irritated over the matter, so I relaxed a little.

“Yeah, but it’s partly my fault. I asked why you were never around hanging out with the boys the way Ida seemed to be. He kind of gave me more information than I bargained for.”

“Don’t worry about it. My break up with Harry was a bigger deal to the other boys and Ida than it was to me and Harry.”

“Really? Niall made it sound like you were really in love with Harry.”

Her smile weakened, but it didn’t vanish. “I was.”

I didn’t know what to say after that. It’s like all my words were pulled from my brain, gone forever, and Emma didn’t seem to want to continue this conversation further. So, we walked in comfortably awkward silence until we reached the rec center at which point she ran into another group of friends and I decided to head back to the dorm for the night.


this is short and not proof read and I have a TON of other stories that should be my top priority at this point, but I just got writing on this because it was up on my laptop screen and I came up with this wonderful filler chapter which gives you a littttle bit more knowledge of Emma. I hope you enjoy it :)

ALSO if anyone is as huge an Ed Sheeran fan as I am and is attending the wonderful X concert in philly tomorrow night (September 8th), please do hit me up because it would be swell to meet you lovely people. I'll be wearing a white multiply shirt with green letters on the back and a black and white pic of ed on the front. But I'm sure a ton of other people will be too so that's not very helpful.

Thanks for reading and ilysm!!!!!! <3 x

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