Chapter 2: Family Life

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Dean's POV:

"Okay little warrior, repeat after me, D D D Dean".

Lucy simply stared at me with those big green eyes of hers blinking twice probably thinking I'm a weirdo.

"Come on. You have to say my name first ok?".

"What are my two beauties up to?".

My mum's soft voice echoed around the quiet room and I jumped round to see her leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed across her chest.

"I'm trying to get her to say my name first".

Mum shook her head and laughed softly.

"Sweetheart, she's only 3 months old, it's going to take some time my darling".

Mum walked up to the two of us and ruffled my hair softly whilst stroking Lucy's plump little cheek.

"I'll teach her everyday" I huffed whilst staring down at my mini me with pride.

"Baby, one day you're going to be so sick of her saying your name constantly".

"Of course I won't. I could never be sick of her or annoyed by her. She's the sweetest little angel and I will always love her".

"Hey Ma, where's dad?".

I looked up at my mum concerned by her silence only to see her eyes sadden as she stared at Lucy.

"Your dad is in a meeting my sweet, I'll let him know you wanted to see him after the meetings finished ok?".

"Ok. Hey mama, can Jackson come over?". She frowned but before I could question her mood she smiled widely.

"Of course my darling. I'll bake you two some cakes".

"Thank you Mama". My lips quirked up into a wide smile as she leaned down to peck the top of my head.

She walked out of the room with the baby monitor in her hand and left the door open behind me. A small laugh escaped my lips as my baby sister had fallen asleep quicker than a bolt of lightening.

Tiptoeing up to my little angel I lent down into her cot and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep peacefully angel. Don't you worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here when you wake up. I'm going to keep you safe forever. But first I need to tell mum that you're asleep. I'll be back".

Placing one more delicate kiss on her little forehead I rushed off to try and find mum to tell her the princess was fast asleep so she could help give her the best nap possible.


"Hey dude. Thanks for inviting me over".

Jackson stepped in and walked over the front door carpet kicking his shoes off without a care and strolling straight into the kitchen.

"Good afternoon Jackson".

Following my best friend's footsteps I watched as my mum greeted him with a wide smile. He said a quiet hello back before grabbing a cupcake off the counter.


"Oh, I hope you like them. They're freshly made". Mum stared at me with a frown unimpressed by Jackson's manners. I knew dad didn't like Jackson, and truthfully I don't think mum did. But my mum was the type to try and find the good in everyone, and that included Jackson.

"Thank you very much mum" I said whilst taking one of the still warm chocolatey goods off the counter.

"You're very welcome my baby boy".

She pinched my cheek very softly whispering how proud she was of me and my mannerisms.

Waving goodbye to mum I dragged Jackson over to the gaming room and handed him an Xbox controller.

"My baby boy" Jackson taunted back at me.

"Shut up" I growled unimpressed by his obnoxious laughing.

"So where is your little sister?" he said with a tone of disgust.

"She's with my dad. He's in an important meeting, mum was going to look after her, but she wasn't feeling too great so my dad insisted she have a break and he take care of her instead.

"Hmm" Jackson said whilst shoving a handful of crisps that my mum had served out before Jackson had arrived.

"Boys" my dad's authoritative voice called out making us both jump back in surprise.

We turned around and saw him standing in the doorway holding Lucy comfortably in his arms. Lucy looked more than content as her head rested on his arm. She was staring straight at me with the most adorable little double chin I had ever seen. She was so cute.

"Hey dad. Has your meeting finished?". His eyes hardened on Jackson, but turned back to me hearing my question to him.

"Yes son, it has. I had an idea for the 4 of us to go out for a little picnic as it's nice weather".

Dad smiled down at Lucy who was gnawing on her tiny little fist.

"Can Jackson come too dad?". Dad's smile had instantly fallen and stared straight at me with a blank expression.

"No, it's okay. I've got some homework I need to do. Thanks again. Bye Dean, Bye Sir". Jackson picked up his jacket and sprinted out of the room.

"So what do you say son?".


"Brilliant. Run along and tell mum. Please give her a hand with the food as she's feeling a little rough. I'll get the princess ready, won't I?" He fumbled his large fingers on her tummy and cooed at her with a dumb expression.

Switching the controller off, I jumped up and ran up to my sister and dad.

Her beautiful green eyes flew up to meet mine and reached out to me.

"I'll see you very soon, ok?" I whispered before pecking her on the cheek.

Sprinting through the hallway, I rushed into the kitchen and almost skidded on the marble floor.

"Woah, slow down Mr. What's the hurry?".

"Sorry Ma, dad says get ready because we're going on a family picnic".

Her face lit up and started rushing around to gather food and drink for our family trip out.

I couldn't be more blessed with such a loving family.

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