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Brett carried his trunk aboard the Hogwarts Express. It has been a month, and he still hasn't gotten over the fact that he had to transfer to Hogwarts. They all said only the best of the best given a lot of luck could stand a chance to transfer to Hogwarts, a world class magic school, but Brett wasn't feeling lucky at all. He had left behind all he ever had - music.

Brett walked cautiously into the train. He tried his best to search discreetly for a compartment,not wanting to cause any trouble in his first year in Hogwarts.

'Hello...may I sit here..?' Brett asked timidly after searching the whole train. Not even a single compartment that wasn't full! He decided on a partially empty compartment with 3 students that looked...well, approachable. More approachable than anyone else he had seen so far anyway.

A redhead grunted and rolled his eyes impatiently, only to get elbowed by a nerdy looking girl with bushy hair.

'Ron, don't be rude,of course you can! This is Ron, he's a git - don't mind him, I'm Hermione and this,' she waved her hand to a boy with dark hair and green eyes, 'is Harry Potter. What's your name?' Hermione asked.

'Harry Potter like...the Harry Potter? The one who destroyed the Dark Lord? I've heard of you! My friends told me all about you,' Brett exclaimed, thrilled to meet Harry Potter. After all, its not everyday you get to meet the wizard who defeated the Dark Lord.

According to his best friend Ray, the Dark Lord was an evil sorcerer who planned on destroying all beings who disobeyed him. He was so powerful that no one dared disobey him. No one other than Lily Chen. Lily was born smarter and stronger than most of her age, it was rumoured that she was gifted with the birth of Harry Potter by the immortal wizard - Lingling Potter the great - after she stood up against the Dark Lord, who mercilessly killed her. When the Dark Lord sought revenge on Lingling Potter the great for gifting Lily with a child, Lingling disappeared and hasn't been found by any since. The Dark Lord sought Harry for revenge instead, but his plan backfired. 'Avada Kedavra! BOOM! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!'
Similar scars were left on Harry and the Dark Lord's forehead - Harry's shaped like a violin and the Dark Lord's a viola.

'Yea, I'm sure you've heard all about me. I'm also sure half of what you've heard isn't true. And please, I haven't destroyed him, his annoying essence is stirring again, but nice to meet you. ' Harry said flatly, unamused.

'Honour meeting you. I'm Brett Yang and I'm from Brisbane, Australia. I got transferred to Hogwarts from Brisbane's Witchcraft and Wizardry High School (yes humour me I ran out of names for schools :-) this year.' Brett continued.

'I feel so acknowledged,thanks.' Ron chipped in sarcastically. ' must be a really advanced learner though, in that case. Looks like Hermione has gotten herself a new best friend!' Ron teased, looking at Hermione who simply snorted.

She was just about to properly introduce Hogwarts to Brett when the compartment door slid open, revealing the face of 2 boys and a girl.

'Well well, who do we have here?' Draco Malfoy sneered as he walked into the compartment. 'If it isn't Potter and his mudblood friends. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you with that. I'm Draco Malfoy , this is Blaise, that over there is Pansy and you belong with us,' He gestured dramatically to Brett,pointing at his clique. A meaty boy with a flushed face and a tall, slim girl who was coated in makeup so thick that Brett could literally smell it. He grew a questionable amount of dislike towards this Malfoy and his clique. They gave off the aura of mean, popular bullies in every high school.

'Thanks,but no thanks. I think I'm old enough to tell who the wrong sort are for myself.' Brett replied coldly, turning on his 'deadpan face mode'. It had always worked well. Draco's sneer turned into a scowl as Harry started talking.

Harry Potter and the Battle For LinglingWhere stories live. Discover now