Alternate Ending 2

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Everyone who came here tonight, enjoy your free glass of beer. That's great! Can I just say that you all made the right choice by voting for me? I'm gonna do great things for this country. But I need you guys to help me in all of this. If you have information on human trafficker, Sia Bucks. It could be anything; a cryptic message, a youtube video, anyone who looks like her, or even a sign or a whisper. I don't care how small it is, you gotta ring the FBI or the Police. I know there's a lot of homeless people, mass shootouts and gang crimes going on, but we have to focus. 

This woman has a dangerous mind. She could be anywhere in the world and I ask that you all help me in bringing this woman to justice. She must be held accountable for her crimes. The needless death of others for the sake of entertainment. That is why I will commit to my promise to end all reality TV shows for good. 

I made mistakes. I've slept around on my travels, but through my mistakes, I created three beautiful role models for society; Aron, Yuzuko and Lavender have made me so proud and I wish I could have known them longer. I do not hold Yuzuko responsible for her sister's death. The blood is on my aunt's hand. Whether you loved Lavender or hated her, she inspired a generation of young people to acquire her dreams. As her father, I should have done more. 

I failed Lavender, but I will not fail Yuzuko, Aron and my new baby boy. My little boy Ivan Bucks III is in great hands. He's got a beautiful nephew and wonderful siblings that will take care of him. My point is: forget geography, forget religion and politics! We are all neighbours. We are all family. My world is your world. 

Everybody raise your glasses to the world! 

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