Part 3: The Case Of Junjou Terrorist

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*AUTHOR'S NOTE: From this chapter onwards, all the incidents take place after Mark's death.*

Chapter 25: Recalling the past memories


18th December. Shinobu's birthday rolls around once again. We have been together was 2 whole years so there were four birthdays we have celebrated together; two his and two mine. This is the first time I don't feel like doing anything special on this occasion. And maybe that's because of the fact that today is also another certain someone's birthday. However, I'm still recovering from the fact that June used all of us and then betrayed us. If I didn't get sick on that trip we wouldn't have returned early. We wouldn't get to rescue Mark. He wouldn't be able to save his friends. Well, everything happens for a reason, I suppose. But seriously, Mark's death has come as an uninvited guest. Like the others, we didn't have a clue about his condition either. Today is when both, Mark and Shinobu turn 19. I don't care if he's dead, I'm still gonna say that he's gonna turn 19! After whatever that guy did to strengthen my relationship with Shinobu, there's no way he is ever going to be dead in my eyes.

I guess I am going to visit the cemetery. Because I have something to say to that bastard who left us without giving us a warning and I don't see the Alice birthday boy anywhere. So it's worth the trip.

I immediately wore my raincoat and rushed to the garage to get my car out. It was raining heavily. As I saw the raindrops pitter-pattered on the black tar of the highway it reminded me of the day when Shinobu and Mark were playing in the rain and making paper boats and sailing them on mud puddles in the park while I was just a mere spectator who wanted to stay out of the mess. I always found myself wondering if Shinobu and Mark were almost the exact same person. I mean, they both are so alike that one can easily conclude that they are brothers. They both are good-looking. They are both academically gifted. They both are good at sports. They both don't know how to cook. They both keep stuffing my plate with cabbage. They both have their adorable moments. They both are loved by attractive women. And to top things off, they are born on the exact same day!

If they are so alike, then why did I never ever feel anything for Mark. Was it because he came into this anime world walking in on me at a very awkward moment? Was it because he was straight? Was it because he had a secret crush on June or something? Or was it because maybe he is not Shinobu after all.....

I guess that even an old man like me can get confused sometimes. Mark and Shinobu may be a lot alike but that doesn't mean that Shinobu is actually Mark and Mark is actually Shinobu. UGH!! Now even I am getting irritated at myself!!!

As I parked my car and walked to the cemetery searching for the spot where Mark was buried, I already found a certain someone who was already on his knees in front of the tombstone. His hair was drenched; so were his clothes. The rainwater was flowing from the tips of his hair and falling onto the ground. Along with that were the tears uncontrollably rolling down his cheeks and were pitter-pattering on the ground accompanying the rain. It was obviously Shinobu. I really didn't expect him to beat me here though. God knows how many hours did he spend here before my arrival.

I went ahead and knelt beside him with my head hanging down. I had no words to console him. How could I console him? I was upset myself. He may have been a more precious friend than his college ones because they actually lived in one apartment together for months. The same goes for me. On one hand, they had more in common since they are of the same age. However, Mark was the guy who was initially startled by my relationship with Shinobu but he is the one who encouraged us to remain together despite the age difference more than anyone in this world. So I think it's fair to say that he holds a special place in my heart as well.

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