Surprising Mr. Leto

Start from the beginning

"He is in the middle of filming a scene. It is a rather short one and should be done in no time, would you like to have a peek?" she asked motioning me towards the door.

"Yes. Yes definitely," I nodded interested.

She smiled back excited as she walked towards and through the door, me following closely behind.

I was interested to see Jared in role so I can get an idea of what kind of a character I will have to deal with for the rest of the week. Even if he is not in character, he tends to have a lot of traits left in him while out from work.

Walking through a dark corridor I heard chattering and a louder, firm voice saying "action", before everything went silent again.

"...Too many have died. We will not add to that number."

I heard a man's voice.

And then there was this deep, raspy voice filling the room. Much rougher than Jared's but of course I recognized him in a beat.

"My replicants... will live as long or as short as a customer would pay."

I felt my heart fill with excitement as Diana waved me through the doorway, and silently stepping in I was in a huge area with separated stage rooms. The one where we were standing was a room with little to no furniture. Jared was sitting on a chair with a man next to him, some others sitting at a wide desk quite far in front of them, while the crew was behind the desk, now all cameras are pointing to Jared.

"My replicants will never rebel. They will never run. They will simply obey."

I took a silent deep breath squeezing the edges of my coat as I watched him from afar in the dim lights. He was him. I knew him, but the person I was hearing and seeing now made my mind rethink if this is my Jared.

Of course, nothing can compare to the times he was the Joker or even Rayon, but both characters were so different from him in the looks that sometimes I had to remind myself, it is Jared behind all that. Here, I saw him, I heard him. Much like a dark twin I am watching now; his contacts, the way he stared into the empty but still his look made me want to keep my distance.

After a couple more sentence with his husky voice the man on his right stepped forward on his demand and that is when the director shouted:

"Cut! Brilliant! Position the cameras to scene seven page nine; glass breaking scene! Thirty minutes break before the final scene of the day when Leto and Sjöstrand continue from page nine, thank you!"

I watched the crew spread as Diana stepped closer and whispered.

"Now I will take him to the makeup but instead of Eva, you go and surprise him," she smiled.

I nodded enthused as I slowly followed her.

Stopping a couple of steps away, I watched as Jared slowly stood up, patting the other actor on the back before Diana laid her palm on his shoulder.

"Let's freshen you up, Mister Leto," she offered, gently turning, what made him turn too as they started to walk away.

"I was sweating again, huh?" his tone same as before as he lifted his hand to wipe his forehead.

"Not too bad," she smiled as they started to walk away.

I slowly followed them to a corner room, separated with a wall.

There was a huge makeup table with a big mirror attached; strong light bulbs fixed to its sides.

I watched Jared carefully tapping out the chair before he sat down, resting his forearms on the arms of the chair, leaning back stiffly.

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