She screamed, smacking him again and again on his shoulder, pushing him out of her room. Before she could close her door he turned towards her making a cute apologetic face melting her anger.

"I am sooo sorrrrryyy."

"Okay... You are forgiven. Now, leave me alone."

She huffed pointing towards the door.

"No. I came here to ask you for a movie night and you are not going to say NO."

He said more like commanded her, and held her hands taking her towards the theatre room.

"Wait, let me grab something to eat."

"Don't worry everything is there."

Together they both sat beside each other and started watching Captain Marvel when in the middle of the movie lights went off.

"Ughhh...let's go and see what happened."

Switching on her phone's torchlight she followed Osama downstairs. Someone grabbed her from back and kept his hand on her eyes to prevent her from looking forward.


"Shhhh.... Hold my hand quietly."

Hassan's voice interupted her, she kept quiet and complied to his demand.

After walking for few seconds he withdrew his hand from her eyes making her gasp in shock.

Her family was standing in the dinning room with a big cake kept in the centre of the table.

"Happy birthday fatty."

Giving her a side hug Osama wished, kissing her cheeks, gesturing her to cut the cake. This the first time she was celebrating her birthday in years.
She stopped celebrating her birthday after the death of her parents and now was the first time in so many years she saw her birthday cake.

"What are you waiting for princess, cut the cake."

"But hero...."

She wasn't ready to cut cake without him. It was her birthday and she wanted to celebrate it with him.

"An urgent meeting came up so he left but don't feel bad we all are here for you so please do the honors, Taya Abba's princess."

Osama joked to which she smiled half heartedly feeling sad for he was not there to celebrate her birthday.

He has life and other commitments. Do you really think you are that special that he will leave his work for you ?

Her mind mocked, making her feel sad. Truth is bitter and it always hurt but it is better than lies. It is better to get hurt with truth than to get fed with beautiful lies.

"We are waiting for you to cut the cake, princess."

Her Taya Abba encouraged her to cut the cake to which she nodded happily and walked towards it. Cutting the cake she fed the first piece to dado who kissed her cheeks and blessed her, giving her gold earrings as a birthday gift. She then fed her Taya Abba and Tayi Ammi who got emotional and hugged her remembering his deceased brother and his wife.

"Happy birthday my princess. May Allah give you whatever you wished for. May you get all the happiness of this world and hereafter."

"Thank you Taya Abba."

"Here your birthday gift."

He handed her a paper asking her to open it. Her eyes widened seeing what it was.

"I can't accept it Taya Abba. It's too much for me."

Handing him the papers back she declined his gift. He gave her the ownership of ten percent share of their business, forty percent of which was named under Mustafa for he was the heir of Ahwaan's, twenty percent for Hassan and Osama each. The rest twenty percent was with Aaqib Ahwaan who divided it between Aamina and Maria. Aamina declined her share so the remaining ten percent was with Aaqib Ahwaan himself.

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