36: First Kiss

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Mark slowly opens his eyes and saw Donghyuck in front of him so he holds his face and smiles at him "you're so beautiful. Does someone told you that?" Donghyuck shakes his head while blushing, Mark giggles and stares at his eyes down to his lips "I'm going to say sorry because I will let temptation win this time" Mark crash his lips on Donghyuck's, Mark is expecting Donghyuck to push him away but no Donghyuck is staying still, letting Mark kiss him so Mark wraps his arms around Donghyuck's waist and kisses him gently and full of love, Donghyuck starts kissing him back which made him smile because Donghyuck is kissing him back. Herin is right Donghyuck is a fast learner kid. Mark wants to depends the kiss when he heard someone knocks on his office door.

"Donghyuck why are you holding sir Lee's head?" Herin went inside because Donghyuck isn't coming back, she's afraid that maybe Donghyuck get lost and is having a hard time looking for the CEO's office. "when I went in I saw Mark hyung sleeping so I silently put the USB on his table but he called me so I kneel down in front of him and his head is slowly sliding down the table, I'm worried he might fall so I hold it" Mark hurriedly sits down when he heard Donghyuck's story, so the kiss is only a dream?!?!?!! "sorry about that Donghyuck. I just can't sleep last night and I woke up very early today. You two can go now" Mark nervously said without looking at Donghyuck, when his two secretaries left Mark sighs "I thought I'm really kissing him"

Mark and Donghyuck are on their way home, Mark can't look at Donghyuck because he's afraid that he might talked on his sleep "hyung are you okay?" Donghyuck holds Mark's hand and checks his temperature which made Mark go wild inside "I'm fine. Let's go inside" Mark was about to leave when Donghyuck holds his hand tight "hyung if you dreamed of me leaving you, it won't happen because I will just stay by your side and never leave! I'm stuck with you so please don't worry about me leaving you"

Peter Pan (MarkHyuck) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt