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Donghyuck is playing on his room when he heard his dad calling his mom. "yeobo, come faster" Donghyuck runs outside and saw his mom stumbling on her way outside. "eomma where are you going? Can Hyuckie tag along?" his mom ruffles his hair as she shakes her head. "no baby Hyuckie should stay here" she pecks her son's forehead. "mom will go now be a good boy okay? I love you" Donghyuck smiles as he nods "Hyuckie loves mom and dad too"

While inside the car no one even tried to say anything until Mrs. Lee decided to break the cold atmosphere. "where are we going and why are you in a hurry?" the man just sighs. "orphanage" the woman widens his eyes. "are you going to adopt kids?" the man immediately shakes his head, focusing on the road "then why the hell are we going to orphanage?" the man looked at his wife "to give them Donghyuck" the woman had her mouth open "why do you want to give my child away!? You bastard! We already lost Taeyong and now you want throw Donghyuck away? How could you give him away!" she shouted at her husband as she shakes her head, couldn't believe that he just want to throw Donghyuck away."Donghyuck have a Peter pan syndrome" the woman didn't let him finish "so? You want to throw him away because of that? You son of a bitch! Stop the car" the man didn't listen and continue driving "I fckin said stop the fckin car!!" again her husband didn't listen and continue driving so she grab the steering wheel and make the man panicked "what are you doing?!?!" "I'm stopping you isn't it obvious? I won't let you give Donghyuck away because of his syndrome" they're fighting over the steering wheel and doesn't even notice the truck coming on their direction. "stop!" the man shouted but a loud crash was heard on the place.

"Donghyuck hyung!" Jisung called the sulking boy on the corner "we need to go to the hospital!" Donghyuck frowns "why? H-hyuckie is not sick" Jisung pity him he's suffering from Peter pan syndrome and now his parents left him. "but your mom and dad are there" Donghyuck grabs Jisung's hand "let's go"

Jisung's mom accompany them to the hospital, "uhm miss can we know the room number of the couple who got into a car accident earlier?" Jisung just hold Donghyuck's hand. "the bodies are already on the morgue now" Donghyuck followed where Jisung's mom is going.

Donghyuck gets inside first and he saw two bodies covered with white cloth. He runs to them and removes the cloth that's covering them. "eomma! Appa! Wake up. Hyuckie is here" Donghyuck repeatedly said those words cheerfully until Jisung's mom stopped him. "why they're not waking up? Why they're not moving? Hyuckie wants a hug" Donghyuck sobs as Jisung hugged him "hyung they can't give you hug now because they're dead, it means they won't move there anymore"

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