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It's been one month (since author didn't update hahaha kidding) since Donghyuck stayed on Mark's house and it's been 2 weeks since Mark is dealing with his mom. His mom keep on bothering him about Eunji's existence that he should spend his time with Eunji. But Mark always choose being with Donghyuck, playing games, watching movies and tutoring him.

"Markeu hyung! Breakfast is ready!!" Donghyuck giggles as he pokes Mark's cheeks. "5 mins more please" Mark turns around but Donghyuck didn't give up. He tickles Mark and Mark forced to sit on the bed. "yah Hyuck stop it I'm awake now" Donghyuck giggles "I will wait downstairs! Better prepare now okay?" Mark nods and Donghyuck went downstairs.

"good morning Mark" Mark was about to smile but he saw Eunji sitting beside his mom. "what are you up to this time mom?" his mom giggles "I want you to tour Eunji around" "why? I have some works to do. I'm not a free today." "I will do those works" Mark sighs "I need to finish those, I'm going now." Mark was about to go but his mom holds his arm. "you're going to do my request so you're not going to work today" Mark was about to complain but Donghyuck suddenly go to him with his phone. "Markeu hyung your phone keeps on ringing!" Mark smirks, "I will tour her around but in one condition" his mom raise her brow. "what condition?" "I will bring Donghyuck with me"

A/N: I miss you guyssssssssssssssssss

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