
Start from the beginning

Slipping your clothes back on, you nodded to yourself in the mirror for being a badass before resuming clearing the bathroom. Using your bat, you pushed open the shower curtain to check for any other useful items. Instead, what you saw was much worse.

There, lying still, was a little girl—probably around the age of five or six. Her pale skin and dark hair were splayed gracefully like a frame frozen in time. Her eyes were shut and there was no sign of life. You couldn't tell when she had passed, noting that the blood around her was clumped and dry, flaking around her angelic head. For the first time in a while, you felt the backs of your eyes sting as you felt an uncomfortable knot tie in your throat. Instead of the fear you were once dealing with, you were overcome with a numb somberness staring at the deceased child—too pure for this zombie-ridden world. Swallowing thickly, you locked the door before closing it on your way out, leaving the girl to rest in her porcelain coffin.

Deciding that enough was enough, you shuffled over to the main entrance of the apartment, pressing your ear against the oak to hear for any mingling fuckers.

Taking that there was nothing out there—or that the door was too thick—you unlocked the deadbolt, chain, and other various locks before pushing on the handle and cracking it open a smidge.


You knew not if this was of comfort or a ruse, just to get you to dip on out there only to be ambushed by one too many zombies. All you had to do was scale one flight of stairs and then bam, you'd be free. Deciding that your balls' didn't need to drop, you slipped out into the hallway, leaving the door cracked behind you.

Sadly, this building had no power, leaving the carpeted corridors shrouded in a blanket of darkness, save for the light peeking in at the end of the hallway... opposite of where you needed to go. Sucking in a deep breath, you shuffled into the abyss, ears working double-time for your diminishing eyesight. So far, the coast was clear as you worked your way along the wall, until a low and murmured croak drew from something nearby. Deciding to take no chances—seeing as you couldn't fight blind—you crouched and continued on by, putting as much distance between you and the presumed zombie.

Well, that was the plan until an almost slimy hand slipped around your ankle freezing you on the spot. With your bat poised, you turned to the groaner.

"Please... just k-ill me..." They voiced. But you couldn't see anything. Grabbing at the hand that held you, you traced the arm back to a very intact body. Squatting down, you felt around the expanse of his chest over to his back where a bag was strapped.

"Let me take this off of you, kid." You offered, helping him slip out of the stiff backpack.

"Light... in.."

Taking his two worded hint, you fumbled with the zippers until opening each pocket up, rifling a hand through each one until the all too familiar cold metal graced the back of your hand. Pulling it from the back, you pushed the switch forward, aiming it at the ground. Dejavu panged your heart at the blood clearly saturating the cream carpet before slowly trailing it up at the stranger.

There, sat in front of you was a boy younger than you, barely conscious. His face was covered in both new and dried blood that dribbled down his neck and soaked his shirt. You would've thought that to be the only problem if you hadn't glanced down at his abdomen. A large gaping hole with bits of bone peeking out caught your eye as the futile ribcage gave way to what you assumed were organs.

There was no sugar coating it, this guy wasn't going to make it out alive.

"How long?"

"Last... night.." He explained, face contorted in pain. "Dead." His head lolled deeper into the hallway.

You nodded in understanding.

"You did well." You comforted, laying a ginger hand unto his shoulder. He was about your brother's age. "I'm proud of you." Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you swallowed down the knot in your throat.


"You remind me of someone really close to me. Don't worry." A few tears rolled down your cheeks and you made no movement to remove them. "What's your name?"

"Lu...kas." He spoke, voice catching in his throat as you nodded in understanding. The boy sighed in understanding before speaking again. "Will... God... see me-?"

You shook slightly, biting your lip as emotion ate you up.

"Definitely." You didn't know what else to say.

"Hand..?" He asked, looking into your (e/c) eyes with his own hazel ones.

You gently clasped his hand in your own.

"Thanks..." His head hung low, and for not his labored breathing, you would've thought he passed. When his hand let go of your own, you felt your chest tighten, knowing what he had wished you to do. "Please... end this... now."

"O-okay... I'm sorry you had to go through this. Maybe one day I'll meet you again—up in the sky." You stepped away, clutching your bat tightly in pure agony. Taking in a shaky breath, you convinced yourself that this was the right thing to do. It was his dying wish. With your bat locked on target, you shut your eyes tight. "Goodbye, Lukas." You slammed it down into his head, taking what little life he had left.

Turing from his body, you wiped your tears before picking up his bag, zipping each pocket back up. Attempting to calm your heart, you continued with Lukas' flashlight in hand until coming upon a corpse by the door to the stairwell. Glancing down at it, you jabbed its broken skull with the end of your bat, watching it crack further. "Disgusting."

Pushing the door open with slim to no thought, you trudged up until finally exiting onto the rooftop, meeting the sun's glorious gaze once more. Glancing around, you saw that they were all on the rooftop over after just finishing a land.

"Sorry guys." Your voice quivered out as you walked to the edge.

"What took you so long." Zion seemed to joke.

"A lot actually... give me a-a second to co-me over there." You began, strapping Lukas' pack tightly to your front before sprinting at the rest of the group, jumping haphazardly without even rolling.

"(F/n)... are- are you crying?" Judy asked, noting the red eating at the corners of your eyes and the puffy bags acting as a dead giveaway. Harry came up to you and swiped a thumb across your cheek, rubbing the drying tear stain.

"I... I'm sorry." You choked, silencing your impeeding sadness.

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