Clementine: Violet, can you move the chair for me?

Violet hurries over and moves the chair in front of the bed. Clementine sits over and begins to slowly sit down. Violet tries to help her.

Clementine: I got it. I need to learn how to do it myself.

You: So that missing leg is new. That could be bad.

You think to yourself. You sit down on the bed and put your back on the wall.

Clementine: Thank you Violet. Now, could we have the room?

Violet: Yeah, me and Louis are going to be right outside if you need anything.

Clementine: Don't let him listen.

Violet nods and walks out of the room, leaving just the two of you. Clementine stares at you for a minute.

You: So, are you going to interrogate me or?...

Clementine: Interrogate?

You: Yeah you want information on this... Delta or whatever.

Clementine: It's obvious you aren't with the Delta.

You: Then why am I still here?

Clementine: You're alone, we want to see if you're trustworthy enough to stay.

You: I'm not staying.

Clementine: Why not?

You: I'm better alone.

Clementine: No, you aren't.

You: What do you know?

Clementine chuckles a bit.

Clementine: We're a lot alike. I used to believe being alone made everything easier. I didn't have to worry about what would happen to people closest to me.

You look down into your lap and begin fiddling with your hands.

Clementine: It's just not practical anymore.

You: For you maybe.

Clementine: I'm going to let that slide, but it isn't for anyone. Most resources have already been scavenged, people are awful, and if humanity is going to survive, we need to work together.

You: I was doing just fine.

Clementine: You were starving.

You look up and squint at her.

You: I was fine.

Clementine: How long have you been alone?

You: About nine years, I think.

Clementine: Close to the start?

You: Yeah.

Clementine: How old were you?

You: Almost ten.

She looks a little shocked by this.

Clementine: We're about the same age then.

She smiles at you.

You: So?

Clementine: Everyone here is young, Violet's the oldest, and we could always use more.

You: Pass.

Clementine: Then what are you going to do?

You: Walk, until I find somewhere else, do something for them, get some resources, move on.

Clementine: That's not living.

You: Don't really care at this point. I'm just waiting to die.

Clementine: We've been feeding you for a week. That means you have a weeks worth of work to do right?

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now