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Keith's P.O.V

It was another day at school, more work, and more paying attention. I never payed attention, but now I really could not. The day in the the nurse.s office with Lance, something, something changed between me and him. I had sympathy for him. We were kind to each other I could not get over his freckles. I hate to admit it but he was kind of...cute? I mentally slap myself at that when the bell rang. After drama, I went to reading. Mr.Kai's class was so boring, but then he said that we will be doing a project with a partner. Everyone was surprise by what he said, even me! But then everyone was panicking because he said he was picking partners. And like every class no one wanted to be partnered with me.

"Ok class let's see. Nyma you will be with Rolo. Lotor you will ve with Acxa." Mr.Kai paired up almost everyone but 4.
"I'll be with Keith!" I herd a voice from the other side of the room and everyone look over to the person and it was Lance. I was very surprised because of all that I did to him.
"Well ok then you two boys will be partnered and you two girls are together." I herd them say "Yes" under their breaths but lucky for me for some reason I have super good hearing so I can hear if someone id talking about me. I also get to hear what the drama is.

*At the end of school*

Lance came up to me and asked when we could do the project. When Lance was running up to me I felt more red than ever and my heart was beating faster.
"Hey Keith, when do you want to study and do the project? Or when are you free?" Lance questioned me. "Um as soon as possible, and im free whenever." I replied sassy. "Oh so you want to see me as soon as possible huh? And how about today or tomorrow?" He teased me. "One its not like that, and two your house or mine, three today or tomorrow?" I asked. "Wow you are 'very' demanding huh. I guess my house and today." Lance said. "Ok and do you need a ride because we are going the same place and I need directions?" "Hehe ya I do if you don't mind." Lance said as his ears got red.

As Lance followed me to my motorcycle he had an expression of shocked and confused and also sacred. I got on and put on a dark red helmet. I also grabbed a blue helmet for Lance. "Come on get on and hold on to me!" I said angrily and handing Lance the blue helmet. As Lance got on he was hesitant to hold onto me. "Come on do you want to fall of or not!" I was now kind of mad at Lance. He then put his arms around my waist I then started to blush even more but glad it was covered by a helmet. He held tight on me so I could easily tell this was his first time on a motorcycle. I had the directions already and me being me I started to speed up, when I did that he held me closer to him and his head was on my back. His hands were on my chest from the speed we were going. We came to a stop light and he then realized were his hands were then he tried to move his hands but then the light turned green then I went again. Then he squeezed me and I felt like I could not breath but I would live.
*3rd person* 
When Keith and Lance left school the whole school saw them leave. They all thought they were dating or something because of the way Lance was holding on to Keith. Hunk said to Pidge "I bet both of them like each other or will develop feelings." "I bet 5 dollars they wont get together this year." Pidge then said. "Deal" They made the deal and then went home. When Lotor saw he then knew Lance will get alllllll of his secrets.

*Lances P.O.V*
As I got on the motorcycle with Keith I told him my address and we started to go. I had never been on one sooo I held onto Keith tightly. For some reason that quiznacking jerk speed up. I pulled him closer to me in hopes he would slow down. He dident. We came to a stop and I thought we were home I looked up and we were at a stop light. I then relized were my hands were. ON.HIS.CHEST. I started to blush like crazy and I was starting to move them back to were they were then he started moving and like and instant I started to squeeze him. After 2 more minutes of holding onto Keith we arrived at my house. We got off I handed Keith his helmet back he put his and my helmet away. As we approached the door to my house. He looked amazed at how big out house was.
"Hey Keith not to alarm you but my house is kind of crazy. Live with 11 other peop--"
"What the!!! Thats so many people!" Keith yelled. "Hehe ya and I make 12 sooo ya and if my family talks in spanish thats because we mainly use it in the house. Just so you know." I warned him. He still has a shocking look on his face.
"Hola Lance como estas--ooo quien es este es él o tu amigo o más?" My mama asked. My face got more red.
"Mama this is Keith we are going to do a project in my room if thats ok." I clarified. "Oh hello Keith its really nice to meet you let me know if you boys are getting hungry!" My mama was always exited to meet my friends or any one. "Hi. Will do. Nice to meet you two." Keith hid his hands in his pocket. So I took that as a sign of uncomfortable. We went up stairs and went to my room we got out my computer and went online to find 'The Wild Children' they found it online and they reading out loud. They took little break from reading.

*Keith's P.O.V*
We stoped to have a little break Lance started making small talk with me he then said "Do you know what My Chemical Romance is?" My eyes lit up with that name. "Oh course I do they are my favorite!" I replied as quick as sonic. "Ohhh really now Keith?" He and I started to blush and I put my hands in my pockets. I felt uncomfortable. As I hid my hands Lance noticed and quickly changed the subject. How did he know that when I get uncomfortable I hid my hands. It was around 5:30 and I needed to get home I told Lance I had to go I got all of my stuff and Lance walked me to my motorcycle. "Hey Keith can I have your number?" Lance asked. I wrote it on his arm and then I was surprised by what he said after that. "You know Keith your not as rude as every keeps saying. And your pretty chill and you are really I um cute." He mumbled the last part but I still herd it. "Ya now Lance  same back at you." I replied and took off on my motorcycle.
*Lance's P.O.V*
Keith took off and I was confused he said back at you. What dose that mean the being kind or the very last part!

Wow that was long my hand hurts now have a good day or night hope you like it so far
Word count:1309

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