"You're still a pig." Laurel said as she walked downstairs.

"So, I'm assuming our plans to see the city have been delayed until tomorrow?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, I'm meeting my daughter for the first time, I can't make a bad impression by skipping out the same day just to hang out with you." Oliver said.

"Hey, don't worry, I get it." Tommy assured him and Oliver smiled at Tommy gratefully.

"And I promise if I'm ever stranded on an island again, I will bring you back a t-shirt." Oliver said and Tommy laughed.

After getting Jasmine a present, Laurel took Oliver back to her apartment and he saw telltale signs of a little kid living here immediately. Toys were scattered across the apartment, the refrigerator was covered in drawings and the living had a dozen pictures of Jasmine in it.

Oliver picked one up from the mantle of Laurel holding a baby in the hospital.

"My dad took that. Said that he was proud to be a grandfather." Laurel said.

"I should've been there. I should've been there for her first word, her first steps, all of it." Oliver said as Laurel placed her hands on his shoulders.

"And now you'll be here for the rest of it. You can teach her how to ride a bike, how to drive, walk her down the aisle at her wedding." Laurel said.

"She's not getting married until I'm dead for real." Oliver said immediately.

"We could talk to my dad about locking her in a cell and making her finish high school online." Laurel suggested as Oliver chuckled as they heard the door open.

"I wish I'd done that with you." Quentin Lance said as he walked into the apartment and a 4 year old girl walked in with him, looking very happy. Oliver was shocked by how much she looked like Laurel.

"Mommy." Jasmine said as she rushed over to Laurel.

"Hey there my little birdie. Did you have fun with Grandpa?" Laurel asked as she picked her up.

"Yeah." Jasmine said as Laurel looked towards her father.

"She was an angel. I was just trying to make sure she stayed that way." Quentin said and Oliver knew that was an insult towards him.

"Mommy, who's this?" Jasmine asked, looking at Oliver and Laurel sent a silent thank you to whatever deity was listening, since Jasmine may have stopped Oliver from strangling her father.

"Jasmine, this is your daddy." Laurel said as she put Jasmine on the ground and Oliver knelt down in front of her.

"You said daddy was gone. Grandpa told me he didn't want me, so he left." Jasmine said, causing Laurel to give her father a look that made him glad that looks couldn't kill.

"No Jasmine, I didn't leave because I didn't want you. I went on a boat ride and there was an accident. I didn't know you were here, otherwise I never would've left." Oliver said gently.

"And who else was on that boat?" Quentin asked gruffly.

"People who I will miss for the rest of my life." Oliver said, shooting a Quentin a look that actually scared the older man. While Oliver was happy to see Quentin alive again, he did not miss his current attitude.

"Dad, maybe you should go." Laurel said, since this was supposed to be a happy time and her father was ruining it.

Quentin was about to protest, but he saw the look on Laurel's face and knew it would be best not to argue and after saying goodbye to Jasmine, he walked out.

"So, you didn't leave me on purpose?" Jasmine asked.

"Of course not. And, I brought you something to say sorry." Oliver said as he pulled out the bear he'd gotten for her. Jasmine lit up at the sight of a new toy and took it from him.

"What's her name?" Jasmine asked.

"I thought you could name her." Oliver said and Jasmine smiled at him as she looked at her new toy.

"I like the name Jessie, like the cowgirl from Toy Story 2." Jasmine said and Laurel smiled.

"That's her favorite movie. I swear, I've lost track of how many Jessie dolls are in her room." Laurel said and Oliver smiled.

"So, you forgive me?" Oliver asked and to his relief, Jasmine hugged him.

"I missed you daddy." Jasmine said.

"I'll never leave you again." Oliver promised and Laurel smiled at the reunion between father and daughter.

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