Chapter 4

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"So, did you tell him?' Thea asked when Oliver and Laurel entered the dining room.

"Yeah I did." Laurel said.

"I'm meeting Jasmine tomorrow, since I don't want the first impression she gets from me to include her grandfather yelling at me." Oliver said.

"Jasmine's with your father tonight?" Moira asked.

"Her usual babysitter couldn't work tonight and I had a feeling that I'd end up spending the night here, so Jasmine is sleeping over at my dad's, not that he knows that I'm not going to be home tonight anyways." Laurel said.

"So, are you two officially back together?" Moira asked hopefully.

"I don't think we technically even broke up, since I was presumed dead." Oliver said as he took his normal seat at the table next to Thea and Laurel sat down on his other side.

"But yes, we are." Laurel said with a smile and both Tommy and Thea could tell that she was happier than she'd been in a while. In fact, they were pretty sure that the only thing that would make her happier was if Sara was at this table to.

"Okay, what else did you miss? Super Bowl winners: Giants, Steelers, Saints, Packers, Giants again. A black president, that's new. Oh, and Lost. They were all dead. I think." Tommy said and Oliver had to smile, since aside from two obvious differences, this felt like deja vu to him.

"Okay, now that I know that, is there anything I missed that's actually important?" Oliver asked and Laurel chuckled.

"Well, after Malcolm and I got married, we merged our companies into Queen-Merlyn Enterprises. Malcolm's been grooming Tommy to take over." Moira said.

"What happened to the playboy who put me to shame?" Oliver asked, since he never thought Tommy would actually go to work for his father.

"You died. It forced me to reevaluate my priorities, especially after our parents got married, since it meant I was the only brother Thea had left and I was the closest thing to a father Jasmine had." Tommy said.

"More like an irresponsible uncle who I will never allow around Jasmine without real adult supervision again." Laurel said with a smile.

"It wasn't that bad." Tommy protested.

"I honestly thought you'd thrown a party in my apartment when you were supposed to be babysitting." Laurel said, causing Oliver and Thea to snicker.

"What about you Thea. How did you handle me being gone?" Oliver asked.

"Really hard. I hit rock bottom more than once. I hit it hard after mom told me about her and Malcolm." Thea said.

"It actually wasn't until Moira and I got married and I started cracking down on her that Thea really started to improve." Malcolm said.

"Cracking down on her how?" Oliver asked.

"Well, we decided that if Thea wasn't going to use her trust fund wisely, then she wouldn't have one." Moira said.

"You cut her off." Oliver said.

"I'm still cut, which I still think was an overreaction." Thea said.

"You were spending your inheritance on drugs, thank god you're still underaged and you weren't caught by the police." Moira said.

"Though I did spend a night in jail." Thea said.

"Wait, what?" Oliver asked.

"Relax, your parents talked to my dad about putting Thea through the SCPD's scared straight program. Showed her what would happen if she was caught breaking the law." Laurel explained.

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