10. Bombs in Basements

Start from the beginning

"I knew there was a reason I liked you, Nevi." Nicole's voice chirped as she slipped on her jacket and hung her bag on her shoulder. Genevieve's eyes widened when she realized that Nicole had been listening on their conversation.

When Flynn started to protest, she held up her hand. "I know you big-shot Field agents think that I'm crazy, Flynn. But that's all you are—a Field agent. You know nothing about weapons and I"—she hauled Genevieve up from her seat while pointing to herself—"happen to be a weapon specialist. You need me, Flynn."

Flynn grumbled a 'fine' as he quickly grabbed his jacket and informed Deaton that they were leaving the house. Nicole turned to Genevieve. "Do you think there'll be TNT?" she cracked a toothy grin, "because I cannot wait to get my hands on some TNT."

* * *

"I don't see any bunker."

"As you shouldn't. It would take away the effort of it being underground." Genevieve replied to Flynn as they got out of the car.

It had taken about forty five minutes to get to where Jackson's bunker was. Flynn had taken the responsibility of driving and she navigated their way to the bunker from the front seat.

Nicole was just beyond excited to be in the presence of gunpowder again.

If she looked close enough, she could see the Singh household where she knew no one lived anymore. They were by an old pond, just outside of where the woods started. The three stepped into the woods.

The leaves crunching beneath their feet, was the only sound that could be heard. The trees hadn't gotten dense yet when Genevieve stopped near an old maple tree. She rounded the tree, studying its trunk.

"What are you—" but Flynn was cut off by an aggravated Nicole.

"Shut up, Davidson."

Genevieve gave Nicole a nod of thanks then continued to inspect the tree. Her eyes stopped on a shabby 'JW' carved into the tree bark.

She smiled at her brother's sad attempt to carve. She returned to the front of the tree and crouched down. Clearing, the leaves off the forest floor to uncover a rusty, discolored handle. She latched onto the handle and wrenched it open.

The hatch opened to create just enough space for a person to pass through. She got inside the hole, balancing herself on the ladder that had been placed there. She gripped the topmost metal rod of the ladder and began climbing down. She stopped just so her head could be seen.

"Don't tell me you don't want to come now," she said, before she began climbing down as Nicole happily followed after her.

Genevieve reached the bottom of the ladder and jumped to the basement floor. She reached to the wall and switched on the lights. She didn't know if they would even spark, but the lights blinked open, not lighting the room fully.

A few closed boxes stood still on the tables. Shelves cluttered with blueprints and ideas for the other projects and modifications.

Genevieve heard the thump of the hatch closing as Flynn sealed the lid and climbed down like the rest of them. Nicole jumped down like Genevieve had almost a few seconds ago and her eyes immediately took in the room.

Nicole wasted no time in wandering the room and searching every box and blueprint as if in a trance. Flynn came beside her no time after Nicole and crossed his arms, eyes inspecting the room. "Your brother was smart."

Genevieve chuckled, pulling her jacket tighter around her. "I only steal compulsively. I'm not a compulsive liar."

"Not yet," he remarked jokingly, his eyes tracing Nicole's actions. "I just didn't think he was smart"—he gestured to the space in front of him—"to this extent."

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