Homecoming (Pt. 1)

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Nixon's P.O.V.

I was put in a really fancy dark red silk suit. My hair was cut short, dad used gel to place the sides of my hair back, and the top was combed nicely to the front. Nyx's dad gives a thumbs up as i look myself in the mirror. Dad says to me "You look really dapper Nixon" I nervously chuckle in response "T-thanks dad, i just hope Nyx likes it... speaking of which, why did Mom and them they leave earlier than us?" Dad completely ignored my question which annoyed me and said "Ok! Time to go!" He ran out the house grabbing the keys. I looked over at Nyx's dad, he just shrugs, but i know whatever they're planning all the adults are in on it. I sighed, i couldn't fight them, the dance was just about to start. Dad yells for me "Nixon you coming!?" I was pulled out of my thoughts, then i quickly started making my way to the door "Coming!" Nyx's dad then says "Don't have too much fun now ok?" When he said that i froze scared. He then sternly says "You got it?" I turned around to face him and said "Yes sir!" He chuckled, but that chuckle sounded evil "Good. If i find out you did the slightest thing wrong" He walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. We both looked each other in the eye, he gave me a death glare, and proceeded to say, all with a smile "I won't hesitate to kill you" A chill ran down my spine, then he started to care freely laugh, and slapped my shoulder, a little too hard, ow. Saying "I'm just kidding!" i gulped and nervously laughed "Haha good one.." Even though i was significantly taller than her dad, i was truly scared of him "Come on let's go!" Dad yells. Nyx's dad then says "Alright let's go, we can't keep them waiting" and we proceeded to make our way outside.




We arrived at the school. There was a flood of student's going inside, i had no idea so many would come "Go on" Dad said to me in the driver seat. I gulped and got out the car, Nyx's dad got out too, since he was going to wait for Nyx and her mom. Dad then drives off home. I was left with Nyx's dad "Go on ahead inside." He suddenly said "We don't wanna ruin the surprise for you" Surprise? What surprise? "Go on" He said once more, i nodded and started to slowly walk off. He then yelled "Have fun." I gave him a thumbs up.




I was standing in a corner. I was too nervous to stay seated. I was greeted by those twins, Jack and Joy, sort of, if you count glaring. I couldn't spot Baltroy or Scarlet anywhere in the crowd. It's been about 10-15 minutes since i arrived, when will Nyx arrive?? What if she has already arrived?! How could i know?! i left my phone at home! I was freaking out so much until i heard a bunch of people saying Ooooh! and Ahhh! Like they were admiring something. A bunch of werewolves and meif'was started quickly gathering at the door. What was going on?? Suddenly the crowd started to split slowly. The split was toward me. Then when the whole crowd made a clear walkway, i saw a figure walk towards me. I immediately knew, but I stared in shock still, mesmerized. -BA DUM- It was Nyx, my heart skipped a beat, she's so.... beautiful. She had a beautiful midnight styled red dress. She's wearing red converse, how cute. The dress made that her shoulders were exposed. It's kind of glittery, there were small specks but there were there. There was a small leg slit that exposed her leg a bit. She had on make-up, and usually I'm not one for make-up. But on Nyx, it just emphasized her beauty. She didn't have on much, just a winged eyeliner and mascara, from what I can see. Her hair was tied up. But her side burns were curled a bit, resting in the sides of her face. Lastly she had a red rose placed on her tied up hair. I've been so much in thought, seeing every detail of her for me to take in. Pleasing my eyes, brain and my heart. That when she walked up to me she just looked up, and stared into my eyes. When I realized this I jolted and got really embarrassed, but I wasn't the only one. I chuckled and said "H-hi Nyx..." She smiles nervously, I swear I'm going to have a cute overload, she responds "H-hi Nixon.... You look very handsome..." She mumbling out, and when she realized it she got even more embarrassed. Seeing this I then blurted out "You look gorgeous, like always..." She looked at me surprised. I then caught myself and freaked out "I'm sorry I...!" I stop myself, and just calm down and smile at Nyx "No. I don't take it back, because it's true" She smiles and chuckles "Ok...." Then I slowly wrap my arms around her. Embracing her, and I smile. I feel so happy, the happiest I've ever been. She embracing me back, hugging tight. I bury my face in her neck for a bit, truly taking her in. Her scent, her soft hair, her soft skin, her beauty, her. The music changed, into a slow love song. Then I whisper to her "Let's dance." I slowly break from the embrace, and grab one of her hands to lead her to the dance floor.

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