The Date (Pt. 2)

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We walked to a amusement park not far from the beach, in fact right next to it, on the board walk "Woah!" I said as we walked up to it "Are you excited?" I nodded "Yeah I am! This looks awesome!" Nixon really did went all out. I've never been to the ocean and I've never been to an amusement park, it's awesome! "Let's go do as much as these games as we can! Let's buy every share of food they have here, I'll pay for it" he smiled "Woah that's a lot.... " then suddenly my stomach growled "Have you eaten breakfast?" Nixon asked "Hehe no" he kindly smiled "Come on let's look around" We bought a fried chicken basket some fries and a slushy each. We found some good seats outside and sat down to eat "This is really good" I said eating pretty quickly "Slow down you'll choke" I got embarrassed realizing it "Oh sorry I'm really hungry" I smiled "You got ketchup on your face" I started touching my face "Where??" He laughed, grabbed a napkin and said "Here" He sat up and got close to my face wiping my mouth. We suddenly just stopped and stared at each other. It was as if, the world completely stopped, no noise around us, nothing. Just a bubbly warm feeling in my stomach. We then noticed what we were doing and I broke the silence "Oh um thanks Nixon that would have been embarrassing!" I said looking away laughing awkwardly. What the hell was that? That has never happened to me before... I heard Nixon chuckle "Welcome twin" and he sat back down eating. He continued talking to me like that situation never happened. It probably isn't a big deal, but it kinda was to me emotionally. I just brushed it off and continued talking to Nixon, we finished eating and he asked "So what would you like to do?" I was thinking and I looked around "How about over there?" there was a sign that said "Karaoke!" that I pointed at "Cool let's see if it empty" I stood up and so did he and we walked over. Surprisingly it was, awesome.

We paid the person then entered and the inside was awesome. It was a giant room with a big flat screen tv, a tablet and 2 microphones. There was a little fridge in the corner and the seats were red and leather "Alright, you go first" Nixon sat down "Huh? Alright then... You go after deal?" He chuckled "Sure" I walk up to the tablet with a giant list of songs and I chose one of my favorites. I heard the song start and I felt really nervous "Um if I don't sound good stop me" I said into the microphone kinda as a joke, kinda. Then I start "If I could, begin to be" I start, I closed my eyes since I already knew the lyrics, I was just nervous "Half of what you think of me" suddenly the song just came out "I could do about anything, I could even how it love~"

Nixon P.O.V.
I heard Nyx start singing and immediately I was drawn in, her voice was so beautiful. I could tell she was nervous, but I found that amazing as well. Then I could see bit by bit her nervousness started to fade and she got more comfortable "I always thought I might be bad now I'm sure that it's true!" she started putting more volume in her voice "Cause I think you're so good, and I'm nothing like you" more passion "Look at you go I just adore you, I wish that I knew-!" more.... Her in it. "What makes, you think I'm so special..." i felt chills "I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you!" she then stopped, dropped her microphone and said "I'm done! I'm done!" the song kept going for a few seconds but it was basically over "Nyx that was amazing!!" she was covering her face "No it wasn't..." I then grab her hands and get them out of the way "Yes it was, you want to see bad?" I went over to the tablet, put on a song and started singing, I'm going to regret this very much aren't I?

Nyx P.O.V.
Nixons singing.... Was something else. "Wise... Men... Say..." Elv-hiss Prrr-esly!? (I'm sorry, i'll go home) He didn't strike me as a fan. I didn't know he could hit such deep smooth notes Holy sprinkles. He sounded increadible. I know he was purposely trying to suck to make me feel better but it just seemed like he was also genually singing and having fun "Shall I stay? Would it be a sin??" he started goofing off by dancing along with the song "Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes" I got the other microphone and sang along with him "Some things are meant to be..." he looked at me surprised for a second but then we continued "Take my hand, take my whole life too" we goofed off together I guess dancing weirdly "For I, can't help, falling in love with you!" The song was about to come to an end. Then for some reason we had that moment again, staring at each other "I... Can't help..." we sang softly, kinda walking up to each other "Falling in love... With.. You..." the song stopped

"Nixon... Your voice was awesome! You could qualify for a bass" i say, he looked really embarrassed "No i wasn't trying to... i just wanted to make you feel better... don't shy away from that voice of yours, it's seriously amazing" i felt embarrassed "If you say so... Thank you... so we should continue, we don't want to waste the hour you paid for" he chuckled "Ok" smiling

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