"It's cruel what you do to girls really, you tease. A lot," I sighed. "And then you complain about how you don't like getting teased. Hypocritical much?" I smirked while turned to him, lying on my stomach to face him. He smiled while looking at me.

"Very hypocritical, I know. But you're the only one I like teasing. Your reactions are priceless." he laughed. 

"So are yours. Wanna see?" I smirked while my legs lifted subconsciously, rocking back and forth. I watched as his gaze shifted to my legs before trailing up my body, pausing a second longer at my thigh where the dress lifted a bit. "See, I do it without even trying." I shrugged with a smirk. 

He cleared his throat stiffly before rolling his eyes while I bit back a laugh. "No you don't." he swallowed a lump in his throat as his Adam's apple bobbed. I scooted up higher on the bed, closer to him while my dress lifted a little more. 

"I don't? You sure?" his gaze shifted down again before he seals his eyes shut tightly, facing the ceiling straight. "Hello?" I poked his abdomen a couple of times but of course, he wasn't ticklish. "You sure Parker? I can-" I started but he cut me off when he grabbed my wrists and jerked me up higher, pulling me on top of him. 

"Aubrey shut the fuck up and please change into sweatpants," he whispered as he rested his hand on the small of my back.

I smirked, "Why do you want me to change into sweatpants if you're not affected?" I arched an eyebrow at him. 

"You know I'm thinking and I just might like the drunk you better," he smirked. 

"Oh, do you now? That's funny cause last I checked drunk me didn't make any move on you." I played dumb. I knew I kissed him drunk I mean I wasn't even really drunk after crying as I did. 

"Would like a reminder? A demonstration perhaps of what you did last night?" he spoke teasingly. 

"Enlighten me, Parker." I smiled at him innocently before lifting myself higher, my lips hovering right over his. He grabbed my chin, pulling my lips closer to his, and right before we could kiss, my phone rang. 

I chuckled, "That's my cue." I smiled before pulling myself off of him and answering my phone. 

"Heyyyy!" Violet sounded cheery. Too much for being hungover, she had so much more than me but then again, she handles alcohol a lot better than I do. 

"Hi," I laughed into the phone. 

"You wanna tell me what happened last night? Xavier seemed mad," she questioned over the phone. I decided on not telling her with Xavier in the room, he doesn't need a recap and neither do I. 

"I'll tell you another time, not right now," I spoke in a tone that I knew she would get my message. 

"Oh! I see you and your loverboy are together. I'll leave you two alone. But can you put me on speaker real quick?" I did and then she yelled, "Xavier, do not get my best friend pregnant!" before hanging up, leaving me stunned while Xavier laughed. 

"That's what she asked to be put on speaker for?" I mumbled to myself before laughing and leaving my phone on the nightstand. "I'm going to the backyard," I informed him. As I turned to leave, he shot up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me flush against his chest. 

"Why? Stay." Cheeky. "You are more than welcome to come with me." I shrugged before trying to pull away but his grip around my waist just tightened. 

"Or you could just stay here with me?" he repeated. 

"Or we could just go outside and go for a swim perhaps? I'm sure you won't mind that?" I flirted. I wasn't gonna go swim I just washed my hair today and I'm way too lazy to wash it again. "Kidding." I smiled before trying to pull away but his grip hadn't loosened one bit. 

He smiled, "Or we could just stay here and make out? I'm sure you won't mind that?" he smirked. 

"Hmm, charming. It's a tempting offer but I'm going to have to say no." I stood on my toes before he loosened his grip on my wrist as I rested my arms around his neck. 

He chuckled lowly before saying, "Your proximity says otherwise." Oh nice Parker, turn it on me after having me in a death grip. 

"Oh does it now?" I scoffed as I pulled my arms away and looked down at his arms grabbing onto my waist before he grabbed my wrists and placed my arms back around his neck. 

"You know I really wanted to punch him then and there last night," he spoke while looking down, straight into my eyes. 

"For once in my life, I wish you would have punched him," I mumbled but he heard and let out a soft chuckle. "Maybe not once but whatever," I muttered, making him smile. 

"Please don't ever cry like that again, I felt so fucking helpless then. Don't do that to me again," he whispered while his grip automatically tightened and he hugged me. "Promise?" he asked. 

I pulled away just enough to be able to look into his eyes. "Promise." I nodded.






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