Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

I watch as something unidentifiable flashes in Blossom's eyes.

She retracts her hand from where she had been holding it out for Jasmine and Jordan to look at her ring, scowling at them both as she takes another sip of her hot chocolate.

She takes a deep breath inwards before she begins to speak.

"I don't want to hear your comments about my relationship. Everyone is always so judgmental and they always say that we're too possessive but I think that that's bullshit. I've lived the last three years of my life scared of the world because I was kidnapped and nearly sold into sex trafficking and so don't you think I deserve to have someone by my side who makes me feel safe and protected for once?" she hisses, fuming.

Jordan and Jasmine are staring at her with wide eyes now.

Jasmine is the first to speak, telling my girl, "Calm down, Lex. We're not trying to offend you. You and Bryce just seem to have a really intense relationship and you two have been that way since before you even got together. You also seem to be a lot more vulnerable since you two have gotten together: you never used to cry much."

There seems to be literal fucking steam coming out of Blossom's ears.

"Is there something wrong with being vulnerable? I had always been too scared to show my emotions and Bryce has taught me that it's okay to cry and be happy. Could you please just leave me alone?" Blossom snaps, giving me a quick glance before storming away from Jasmine, Jordan, and I.

I make a move to grab her arm but I don't want to hurt her and so I don't actually touch her. My fingertips brush against her but she doesn't even give me a second glance as she hurries away.

I watch her disappear around a corner and I feel the overwhelming need to follow after her so that I can keep her safe.

If some fucker even tries to touch her, I will literally lose my fucking shit.

Jasmine and Jordan are staring at me and not Blossom. The lack of concern in their eyes for their friend makes me want to strangle them.

"What the fuck, guys? You didn't have to ruin her day over a goddamn Christmas present," I spit, scowling at them both.

Their faces suddenly pale and I finally see some regret in their eyes as softly, Jordan says, "I didn't mean to hurt her feelings and I feel like shit knowing that I did."

"Whatever. I need to go find her," I say, my voice sharp.

They both shoot me an empathetic smile but I don't give them a second glance as I turn on my heel, hurrying in the direction that Blossom had gone in.


It turns out that she didn't get too far. I find her walking down the sidewalk, sipping from her cup of hot chocolate while examining her other hand. I can see from here that she has tears rolling down her cheeks and it breaks my heart to fucking pieces to see her so upset over something that seems so minuscule.

She stops her pacing when she sees me approaching and she pulls the hot chocolate cup away from her face. Her bottom lip begins to quiver and I just begin to walk faster, not slowing down until I'm directly in front of her.

I waste no time before I pull her to my chest, wrapping my arms around her body. It's easy to forget how small she is; so slim and short and generally tiny.

"There's no need to cry, Blossom. They didn't mean to make you sad. They're just being judgemental," I assure her, keeping my arms tight around her.

She sniffles and pulls her face away from my chest. I can't help but to smile when I realise that she'd been holding her hot chocolate far away from herself so that she wouldn't spill it on us.

"I don't understand why it's such a bad thing for me to like people knowing that you're mine and I'm yours," she then says, her voice merely a faint whisper.

Lexi's POV

I've been through so much hell that it hurts me beyond what words can describe to have people look at me as though I'm weak for wanting Bryce to be there to protect me.

I was kidnapped and nearly sold into a sex trafficking ring when I was only fourteen years old.

I had a mother who didn't show any love for me after the kidnapping, which I assumed was because she blamed me for what had happened.

I've had multiple guys, drunk and sober, touch me without my consent at parties and at school.

I've had a man come so close to raping me that the memory of the event is enough to bring me to tears within seconds.

And there was only one person who was there for me.

Bryce Freaking Bradshaw.

He was the big, strong man who would kill a thousand men to keep me protected and so he was able to get all of those awful guys to leave me alone.

But more importantly, he was the emotional support that made me feel okay for once.

He held me while I cried myself to sleep that night at Ryan's cottage when it felt like my world was crumbling apart after that drunk guy attempted to force himself on me in the bathroom at that house party, and he holds me while I sleep every night now. He holds my hand too when I feel like I'm going to fall and he gives me the best advice I could ever ask for. Not to mention that his kisses are intoxicating and his embrace makes me feel the safest that I've ever felt before.

I think that I deserve to feel safe for once in my a life, and it just so happens to be Bryce who is capable of giving me that comfort and security.

After so many years of sadness for the both of us, we're finally happy. Together.

"I want to go home now, Bryce. I want to take a hot shower with you and then I want to cuddle for a little bit. Do you think we can do that?" I ask Bryce quietly, staring directly up into his amber eyes.

It hurts my heart to see how genuinely concerned he is for me at the moment.

"Yeah, baby. Of course we can. Let's go let your brother know that we're heading out and then I'll get my pretty girl back home. Sounds good, yes?" he replies.

I nod enthusiastically, pressing a kiss to the stubble on his jaw.

A/N: I'm finally back from vacation and so hopefully I'll be able to update more regularly again!

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