Chapter 8

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"Stop! Ahahahah" I yelled at Ash while laughing my ass off. "No! Ahaha"
At this point she was on top of me, she kissed me and smiled.
"We should probably pack" Our 2 weeks were almost up, we had to get out of the house. We did find a place to go so that's good. We are going to live with my cousin Lucy. We aren't very close but at least she's not a raging homophobe.

We got up, slowly but surely, and finished packing all of our stuff. She took the boxes and put them in her car while I, on the other hand, left a very sweet note for her aunt.

"Dear Ash's Aunt, thank you so much for letting us stay at your house. Now for the REAL reason I'm writing this. You are a homophobic piece of shit. Learn how to love your niece for who she is and maybe she and I wouldn't be so incredibly pissed off right now. I hope you have a wonderful day and maybe, just maybe, learn how to be a decent human being please. - ash's girlfriend"

And with that, we left. It was an hour and a half
drive to Lucy's so while we were on the way there, we played ispy. Childish I know but no matter what age you are that game is fun as hell.
"Ispy something blue" She said to me
"The sky?"
"Actually yea"
"Seriously? You suck"
"Ispy something beautiful"
"Stop your making me blush"
"Good, your cute when you blush"
"Your adorable" she said while grabbing my hand. I placed a kiss on her cheek and a little while after that, we arrived at Lucy's.

We got out of the car and Lucy immediately ran out and pummeled me to the ground. I haven't seen her in forever so honestly, I should've been expecting this. After 30 seconds of ya attempting to get up, I introduced Ash.

"Lucy, this is Ashley. Ashley this is Lucy"
"It's really nice to meet you" Lucy said to Ash,shaking her hand. We grabbed our bags and went inside to her,might I say, absolutely gorgeous mansion. Like this bitch was HUGE. We walked up to our room and started unpacking our bags. Ash had a look on her face while putting her close away. Somewhere between sad and worried and maybe a little mad?

"Babe,it's gonna be okay. We can stay her as long as we want. And plus...the walls are soundproof.." I say, starting to kiss her neck.
"I know it'll be okay. My grandma was just everything to me at one point in my life and it's hard to hear her call me disgusting." She said, turning around so that she was facing towards me.
"I know, I'm really sorry Ash.."
"Now..about that whole soundproof wall thing.?" She says with a smirk on her face while pushing me onto the bed. This was gonna be fun.
Hi!! This is a really short chapter only because of the fact that I NEEDED to update. I've been really busy with school and other things but everything is getting back on track so I'll be updating more regularly. Also, thank you SO MUCH FOR 200+ READS. YALL ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING💕🏳️‍🌈

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