Chapter 7

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"I think we should talk about what happened last night.."
"Oh my god. You can't say that scare me like that. I thought we were breaking up." Okay okay. I literally sound like I'm in a 6th grade relationship but I am truly in love with her, I have been for awhile now and I really don't want to mess this up.
"Definitely not."
"Okay well what were you going to say."
"We both know what I was about to say. But I don't think I'm ready to say it." Ouch
"That completely okay. I wasn'texpecting ya to start saying I love you."
"No hear me out. I do love you, but I'm not IN love with you." She says, putting emphasis on the "in"
"Ah,I see."
"You okay?"
"I'm fine. Are you?"
"Yea I'm okay. I was really nervous for this."
Our food then came and we just kinda talked and ate. That was nerveracking. And it's not like I was expecting her to say I love you..but t still really hurt when she didn't. But it's okay because she's mine and she's absolutely perfect. About an hour later, we arrived at the house. There was a note on the front door. I took it off and read aloud:

Hello girls, I've noticed what's going on between you two and it's,to put it nicely, disgusting. I understand you two are in a horrible situation so I'm going to go stay Uncle Below for 2 weeks. You have 2 weeks to find a place to stay and get you're stuff out. My dear Ashley, how could you do this... you know being gay is a sin. I couldn't bear seeing you in person. Goodbye.

What the fuck. I looked over at Ash and I saw her in tears. I pulled her into my arms and held her tight while she cried. I moved us into the house, into our bedroom and laid her down on the bed. Her aunt was like her second mom so I  this was absolutely heartbreaking to her. I turned on her favorite show, gave her a kiss on the forehead and went into the kitchen. I got out a pot and started making her Mac n cheese. After making the Mac n cheese I brought it to her and laid down in bed with her. We finished eating and just like that, we were both out like lights. I can't believe how homophobic her aunt is and we didn't even know it. More importantly, how did she find out? Brad..?
I'm so sorry this chapter is so short and bad. This chapter was hard to write for some reason. But the next chapter will be better. I had to write this on my phone so that's probably part of it. I'm not in a very good place right now but I promise the book will get better within the next chapter. It will probably be updated sometime during this week! Thank you so much for the reads!💕

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