Chapter 6

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Victoria's pov.

He took me by the hand a led me out through Harry's door. This would be my first date, with a guy that is not only very attractive with the greatest smile and the most beautiful green eyes (aside from Harry's) but who has a great personality, a guy that likes me for who I am, and not someone they want me to turn into.

I turned around to wave good-bye to Harry, I kind of felt bad for leaving him, but I'm sure he was okay with it. I stared at him for a moment, he had no smile on his face, I can't explain how different he looked, but it was really weird. I was tempted to run up and give him a hug and tell him it was alright, but I didn't, I was acting a bit rude.. Harry is my best friend tough, he will understand I love him unconditionally and a relationship could never separate us.

Chris and I walked away from Harry's house and out of his street. I didn't know exactly where we were going, Chris was going to surprise me, I couldnt wait!

"Chris where are we going?" I asked him so anxious, my arm linked in his. The anticipation to know was killing me, I wanted to scream but that would be weird.

"You'll find out when we get there babe" he reassured me. We walked for another 5 minutes, it was a warm day, warmer than I expected. There were only a few clouds and there was no breeze. For some reason it felt like everyone and everything was on my side, like today was going to be the best day of my life, well all except for Harry.

When we stopped, we came across an old-fashioned building. At first I was not impressed, but you know what they say never judge a book by its cover, then we got inside.

"Omg, it's a theatre!" I said astounded. I love theatres, they were always something I would want to stop and looking into if they looked interesting. I remember one time Harry and I were super late to meet his mum at the park where she told us she would pick us up after our day in the city. Harry's mum would always get angry and over react if we were late, even if it was by a minute. We came across a theatre though, one that I saw online once and it was always my dream to see inside. Harry forgot about his mum and how much trouble he would get in and let me spend 20 minutes just soaking in the beauty. Wait why am I thinking about Harry, I'm on a date!

"An old fashioned theatre, oh my gosh, it's beautiful Chris!"

"Just like you Tori." Chris held my hand, and looked me in the eyes, I could tell that he meant it, his eyes told all and that made me blush.

"You're really sweet." I said quietly, hoping that this moment would last.

We walked into our cinema, I swear it was the most beautiful thing in the world with the most comfortable seats and the grand designs in the walls with the giant red curtains, was absolutely spectacular.

I like those types if things the old- fashioned stuff. They way I dressed was a bit quirky; I always have to have at least one item that stood out from the rest. When it came down to love, I am really old-fashioned. I believe in love at first sight and I'm not one to go hooking up with guys like the other girls in my year level. I'm really deep and down to earth. I want to be part of a fairy-tale not a sex tape if that makes sense...

The movie started, and it was in black and white, the way I like it.

The movie was about a guy and a girl; he was older than her and everyone doubted there relationship. She was so in love with him and she didnt care about age, He was too, but something wasn't right. I think after time where the people tell him that age does matter, he started doubting the relationship. He broke up with her, then and there, I don't know why because they were in love. Why was he so cruel?

In the end, they got back together despite the age gap, goes to show love has no limits.

The movie ended, to be honest it brang a tear to my eye but thankfully Chris didn't see it. We headed off, hand in hand like we were already an offical couple. It was around 5ish, so he decided he wanted to take me to watch the sunset in the local park. No one was there except the big bright sun, it was so romantic, he was so romantic. We sat on the two swings and just watched, savouring every moment of it, it was actually that beautiful.

We sat there talking about anything and everything, it was actually quiet relaxing. I never really though I could have conversations like this with anyone but Harry. Chris was special though, we have hung out a bit since the first day and I was really open with him, something I don't usually do with people I just meet. The only person I really had that connection with besides Chris was Harry, but we were in kinder.

For some reason when ever I brang Harry up to tell Chris about a good memory he would knock me back, start to talk about something else which didn't annoy me as such but it was just weird that every time I brang him up he would get that weird look on his face and change the conversation.

10 minutes had gone by and I had come to the descision that I wanted to jump of the swing, I told Chris to catch me, you know, just in case. I swung high up and till the time was right, I jumped off and knocked Chris down to the ground. Surprisingly it didnt hurt, i think knowing that Chris was going to be there to catch me, even though he did fail a bit, I felt safe. We laid side by side, looking at eachother straight in the eye, it was the perfect moment, one that would only happen in movies.

"Are you okay beautiful?" he asked me, his warm breath against my face since we were laying so close together.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I replied in awe.

Chris lent in slowly, eyes slowly shutting after they starred deep into my eyes. My stomach tingled as i closed my eyes aswell and then, he kissed me. It was my first kiss, it felt so right. I cant wait to tell Harry all about it, he's going to be so excited for me!

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