She just smiles sadly, looking conflicted.

“I know” she finally says.

We hug one last time and promise to see each other very soon.


“We’ll be taking off in two minutes, your highnesses” the air hostess says.

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to people calling me ‘your highness’. I’M JUST AYNIE I wanna scream.

Oh well.

Harry is sitting in the row across from me, five seats away.

I clench and unclench my hands wondering what I’m gonna do throughout this long flight when Harry calls out to me


“Your phone is vibrating” he says, pointing down to my phone on the seat next to me.

Huh don’t know why I didn’t notice that.

I grab it and the screen flashes with Oliver’s name.

God, I had forgotten all about him, I’m a horrible friend, if that’s what I am to him. Apparently he hadn’t forgotten about me.

I’m about to pick up when the air hostess hurriedly snatches it from me.

I frown up at her.

“We’re about to take off princess” she says apologetically.

Oh right.

And we’re in the air.

“Would you like something to drink?” she asks.

“No, thank you” Harry says barely looking up from his cell phone.

“Can I get a diet coke?” I ask.

“Of course” she murmurs and disappears behind the curtain near the cockpit.

I’ve always wanted to see the cockpit.

“That’s cool” Harry says in a bored voice.

Oh. I didn’t realize I said that out loud.

The stewardess, Martha, returns with a diet coke.

“Thanks” I tell her before greedily gulping it down.

I’m bored, I wish they’d let me bring Bridget up on the plane, the poor thing must be scared out of her mind down in the luggage compartment. I just stare outside my window wondering when I’ll get to come back to El Nido. Probably not anytime soo-

Oh shit.

The plane jolts up suddenly and the seat belt sign comes on.

“What-?” I gasp as the plane continues to jolt up and down. I hastily put my seatbelt on.

Harry looks over at me concerned and walks to the cock pit, balancing himself by clutching on to the seats.

The plane hits some more turbulence.

I don’t wanna die. I don’t wanna die. I don’t wanna die.

Harry comes back suddenly and flops down next to me.

I suddenly feel extremely nauseous.

“It’s just turbulence” I hear him say.

All I can do is nod because I know that if I open my mouth I’ll-


Even thinking about throwing up is making me throw up.

I clutch the back of the seat in front of me tight and try to ride it out.

Secretly Married to a PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now