Sabriel! Or the one about Lucifer and his ships

Start from the beginning

You forced me to do this, Cassie boy.

Luciships: Cas won't go to party

GoddessofGeeks: ...

GoddessofGeeks: Too bad, he ain't getting a choice in this. Be there in 10

Ah Charlie. His shipper in crime. If anyone could get Cas to go to this party, it was her. Satisfied, he pulls on a clean(ish) shirt and skips downstairs to where Gabriel was currently inhaling candy.

"What's got you so cheerful?" Gabriel eyed him suspiciously. 

"Why are you a candy addict?" Lucifer flicks his brother's forehead as he walks past. "You coming to the party?"

"Is there gonna be alcohol?" Gabriel rubbed his forehead. "Cause if so, then hells yeah."

Lucifer hides his smile. As long as Dean managed to get Sam to come along, all would be well. He just needed to know how hard it was going to be to get his ships together. Because he couldn't see anything wrong with messing with his brother's and friend's lives. What would Mikey think of this? He'd probably just be happy to see Sam and Dean again. It was times like this were Lucifer wished he at least had Michael's address, he knew Michael would love to hear that the Winchester's were okay. 

"Alcohol?" Balthazar appeared out of nowhere. "Wait, you guys shouldn't be drinking."

"Yeah, that whole protective older brother thing doesn't really work here," Lucifer glances down at his phone. "But if you must know, we're going to a party."

Balthazar hums, staring at Castiel who was walking down the stairs in an old Sherlock sweater and baggy yoga pants. "Really." He raised an eyebrow. "And Castiel is going to this... party?" 

Lucifer rolls his eyes at his brother's unconvinced tone. "Yes, Castiel is going, aren't you Cassie?"

"No, Castiel is not." Cas doesn't look up from his phone as he maneuvers onto the couch with ease. "Now please shut up about it."

"He's going." Lucifer whispers.

"Do our parents know about this?"

"Do you want to come?" Lucifer knew that Balthazar spent his weekends out at various college parties, so the 22 year old really shouldn't be all that bothered by their drinking. Heck, Lucifer knew for a fact that when Balth had been Cassie's age, he would sneak out to all sorts of parties. 

"It's to celebrate the Winchester's return," Gabriel adds.

Balthazar's eyes widen. "The Winchester's are back? Luce... why didn't you lead with that?" 

"Oh, yeah, they're back, and this party is kinda celebrating that so it would be rude of you not to come." Lucifer looks pointedly at Cas as he says this. "That goes for all of you."

Cas looks back, his eyes cool and neterual. Lucifer knew his brother, however, and no matter how hard Cas tried to hide it, there was a storm brewing behind those deep blue eyes. The only question was, why the hell was he so against Dean suddenly?

"What's up bitches?" Charlie bursts in then, acting as though she owned the place. "Is everyone ready to party?"

"Cas is refusing to go." Lucifer feels as though he is essentially throwing his brother to the sharks in that moment. Ah well, maybe Cas needed a crazy fangirl to snap him out of it. 

Charlies turns her powerfully persuasive glare onto Castiel. "Oh, he's going."

"I'm really not." Castiel mutters, but everyone in the room could see that Charlie's glare was getting to him.

"You really are."



"No- You're just going to keep doing this, aren't you?"

Charlie smirks. "You know it."

Lucifer could see his brother caving in, "well then, now that sorted, I believe we have a party to get to?"


Oooo so they're all going to a party. Theres gonna be alcohol, Lucifer trying to get his ships sailing and perhaps some awkwardness between Dean and Cas??

So I meant to update last night... and I was also gonna do a longer one but then I ended up staying up until 2am reading this incredible book called Radio Silence... oops. Anyway, I'm going to put the party in the next chapter so that I could update sooner.

Anywayyy, I hope y'all are having a great day/night!!

*awkwardly shuffles off*

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