Chapter 2 : Your new professor

Start from the beginning

"That was powerful," Daewhi whispered with a smile.

"Any other clever questions like Mr. Kim Heechul's? Anyone? No one? Well, let's move on to the presentations then. Put the benches in a circle for me," she ordered. We all got up and started moving the benches in a circle as she had asked. It was astonishing to see that no one had dared to refuse. She had already succeeded in imposing her self-esteem, a rare thing here. She slipped in to sit in the middle with her chair, her cardigan and a pen in her hand. She was even more stunning up close, I could see her atypical features and her doe eyes, "let's do it in alphabetical order. You give me your name, first name, age and why you decided to enroll in these studies."

We had to be attentive to what everyone said even if I didn't care about their lives, but she was sitting in the middle and could see what we were doing. Plus, it wasn't that difficult for me because I had something to look at and again, I wasn't the only one. After what seemed like years, it was finally my turn when she sat facing me with a curious look on her face. I thought I saw her eyes on my legs but she was probably judging my outfit.

"I'm Jennie Kim and I'm 23. I chose these studies because everything I do is a success anyway," I confidently declared and this time I see a slight smirk on her lips.

"Pretty confident, right Miss Kim?"

"That's exactly why my name is Jennie Kim," I openly flirted with her and I could feel the look of my friends but especially from Miyeon who was sitting in front of me. If she thought she was the only one who could play that game, she got everything wrong. 

"I hope to see your evolution throughout this academic journey, Miss Kim." 

"Of course Ms. Manoban," she had managed to keep a calm expression but something in her voice told me that she was also flirting with me. She moved on to the next people whom I had to force myself to open my eyes so to not fall asleep. Fortunately, there were not many left and the remaining students were not the most talkative type. 

"My name is Lisa Manoban but I'd rather you call me Professor. I'm 24, I'll be your new French literature professor this year. I obtained my doctorate last year while teaching at different universities. The reason I decided to come here is because I was intrigued by the low results from last year when we have one of the most prestigious universities in the city. I have studied your reports and each of your profiles and I think there is potential. It is therefore absurd to see the failure rate in this class compared to other classes in middle-class universities. As Mrs. Choi has probably explained to you, I have put in place several ways to help you progress and finish your year successfully. I also ask you for mutual respect because I consider us to be responsible adults. If you start bothering me, I'll be worse off with you. So I strongly advise you not to test my limits because you wouldn't like my methods" her eyes were on me for a few seconds, I had the impression that the remark was addressed specifically to me except that it made me want to try and provoke her even more because people never tell me what to do, "A school trip and extracurricular outings are also on the program, so it shouldn't be a financial problem here. Well, I think I've said everything. Do you have any questions?"

"How many books do we have to read?"

"You're in your last year, the number of books is higher than last year so I'll say about thirty."

"Are there any remedial actions when we encounter difficulties with the course?"

"Yes, you don't have to worry about that. Any other questions?... Perfect, I'll see you tomorrow then. And before you leave, I'd like you to give me a short text in which you talk about your favorite literary work and you'll present it alone, one by one so I'll send you the running order by email, all right?"

"Yes Professor," we said in chorus. 

"Good, you can pack your things. Thank you for your attention," she went to her desk and the few students including Miyeon's group had already gathered around Ms. Manoban. It was only the first day and she was already popular.

The cafeteria was crowded with students from different departments. The kitchen team had already changed the heated buffet three times because the salads and garnishes were emptying out. Most of us had the break now, it was often difficult to find free seats at that time but  everyone knew who the middle table belonged to, we rarely had any bad surprises.

Yeeun, Soojin and I had had a rice salad while Sana had gone on to something fatter, I felt like I had an ogre next to me. As for Daewhi, he had snacked so much during the morning that he no longer had any space in his stomach. 

"So what do you think about the new professor?" Soojin started first the topic. No one said much after that class, we immediately went to the next class.

"Mmmh let's see... She's hot and incredibly smart, she's damn dominant with her hoarse voice and her body's delicious?" Yeeun listed what she thought of Ms. Manoban and oddly enough, I was thinking the same thing she was.

"I might have a small crush on her," Sana smirked and went back to her French fries with and fried chickens. 

"Sana's officialy lesbian damna," we giggled. Honestly, you didn't have to be especially gay to get a crush on Ms. Manoban.

"You know, if I have to sleep with a woman. Ms. Manoban will be the first," Soojin dropped her fork on the floor, Yeeun had her mouth wide open, Sana still had her evil smile and Daewhi choked for the second time that day and this masquerade caught the whole room's attention.

"Kim, you don't seriously think about fucking our professor... Oh boy, you're a bitch," Yeeun stated. 

"I don't see the problem. Besides, it'll be 100% beneficial, I'll sleep with one of the sexiest women and I'll succeed my year without having to make any effort, sounds great right?"

"I don't know if you're deaf, but Mrs. Choi did say that Ms. Manoban was not like others and she herself said that you shouldn't test her limits. I don't think it's going to be that easy, she doesn't seem like an easy person to handle," Daewhi said, Soojin and Yeeun nodded to show that they were in perfect agreement with him.

"Oh come on guys, you're funny at all. If Jennie wants to try with the new professor, let her be! Seriously, I don't see any harm in trying it, it might even be funny. On the other hand, I agree with Daewhi on one point, Ms. Manoban is too smart to let herself be manipulated," Sana added.

"I promise, I won't screw this up. I bet tomorrow when I present my text, I will already be able to make a movement on it. She won't resist me for long, you'll see," I said all excited. I had just had a plan to make a success of my year and I was going to have a taste of our handsome professor.

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