Vault of the Spring Maiden

Start from the beginning

Mercury: "You wanna get to them? You're going to have to get through me!"

He than began to fight Yang. While Yang blocks Mercury's attack, Jaune uses his hands to apply pressure on Weiss' wound, while Ren holds her wrist checking her pulse.

Jaune: "Ren, talk to me!"

Ren: "This is bad."

Ren said with him shaking his head sadly.

Jaune's eyes widen in horror.

Jaune: "No, no, no, no, not again! Weiss, c'mon, please!!"

Meanwhile, Vernal steps onto the platform leading down to the vault. platform. Raven looks back a bit as she hears her daughter fighting vainly, shaking her head really sadly before she steps on the platform too. The platform then lowers down. Oscar is then shown dodging out of the way as Hazel slams his fist into the ground.

Ozpin: "Oscar."

Oscar: "No!"

Oscar dodges another attack from Hazel.

Ozpin: "Oscar!"

Oscar: "I told you, no!"

Oscar gets punched back by Hazel several feet into a column.

Ozpin: Please, let me take over! I can handle him!

Oscar: "You told me I needed to fight for myself! I will!"

He said, as he stood back up on his feet, tightly gripping The Long Memory like a sword.

Ozpin: This is not your fight!

Oscar: "What does that mean? Why is he so upset with us?"

Hazel than walked with an angered expression on his face, as he walked menacingly towards the farmer.

Hazel: "He didn't tell you my tale, did he, boy? thought you looked familiar, to think that evil was inside you when our paths first crossed. Your blood won't be on my hands, it'll be on his."

As he raised his fists high in the air, Qrow jumps in the way to block Hazel's attack, but he slams his fist into the ground, the shockwave knocking both him and Oscar back. They both get back up as Qrow engages Hazel.

Oscar: "What was he talking about?"

Hazel: "Tell him, Ozpin! Tell him how you KILLED HER!!"

Oscar: "Her?"

Ozpin: "Gretchen Rainart was Hazel's sister. Despite her brother's wishes, she enrolled at Beacon Academy to become a Huntress and tragically lost her life on a training mission. Hazel... holds me responsible. Please, let me fight. I know Hazel. He's wounded in a way that cannot be healed."

Hazel: "You know now! You can forgive me for what I'm about to do."

He spoke, as he threw Qrow away. But Oscar spoke to him.

Oscar: "Did she know?"

Hazel stops in place at his inquiry.

Oscar: "Did she know the risk of being a Huntress?"

Hazel: "She was only a child! She wasn't ready!!"

Oscar: "She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself!"

So do I.

Oscar spoke, while putting his Hazel just glares at him.

Hazel: "Then you've chosen death!"

Oscar glares back, determined.

Ozpin: "I'm sorry."

Oscar: "What?"

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