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I felt a bit breathless as I stuffed the rest of my personal belonging in the carry-on suitcase Aileen had kindly brought me yesterday. After packing everything, which wasn't much, I placed it on top of my bed, grunting at the weight of it.

"Do you need help with that?"

I spun, nearly knocking the suitcase with me. "Oh my, don't scare me like that." I placed a hand to my chest to settle my nerves.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Sebastian took a few strides, yet kept a good distance between us. "Where you going to leave without saying goodbye?" he asked.

"I wasn't. But I heard from the nurses you were supposed to be off today," I replied and turned back, pushing my suitcase upright. "Why are you here anyway?" I inquired, feeling my cheeks flush at a passing thought. He can't just be here for me, can he?

"I'm here for you." I heard him stopped beside me.

He was so close I could feel his warmth radiating. But I didn't glance it in the direction in fear with my own expression. Then his hand reached out to me. He was holding a small box.

"This is for you."

It took everything in me to not meet his piercing gaze. I reached out and got the box out of his hands. "Tha – thank you," I stammered. I coughed to clear my dry throat. "What is it?"

"Open it and find out for yourself."

Still not looking at him, I did what he said and opened the box. In the middle, there lies a small red rose pendant. It was tiny, like the size of a button, yet beautiful nonetheless.

"The rose," I mumbled.

He quickly understood. "From the garden, yes."

"Seb, you shouldn't have."

"I know. But when I saw it, I thought of you."

The tip of my fingers started tracing the design, smiling at the brief memory in the garden a few days ago. We've only known each other for a week. Every single moment, even those short interactions with him in the hallway during my morning walk, I've encapsulated it in my heart like a photograph. Though our time was short, it felt like I've known him all my life. But I realized his actions were for the benefit of my health. And I won't resent him for his lie and his promise of friendship. Without him saying those words, I won't have started to move on.

And then he spoke. His words were evidence I no longer lived in a false sense of hope. But a real one. Something I know was necessary for me to fully recover.

"Jane, is it true you're leaving town?"

I nodded. "Yes. I think it's best I stayed with my mom and stepfather for a while."

"Good. That's good." His voice was nearly above a whisper.

It was then I looked up. The pit of my stomach knotted from the weight of his gaze. His chestnut brown eyes looked like a pool of gold in midday.

We stood there in silence, just staring at each other, studying every feature of our face and the little flaws. He has tiny moles scatter in the face, and I counted them in that short time. Seven. There were seven of them. Also, I noticed a small grey sticking out from his thick dark brown hair.

It was then I understood my mother's remark a few days ago. I don't easily get sway by people's looks. But I'll admit, only to myself, he is beautiful.


I jolted at the sound, making me close my eyes and cursed softly underneath my breath. "What the heck, Aileen?" I angrily turned and found my best friend leaning against the doorframe.

Loving JaneWhere stories live. Discover now