Chapter 29

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Trini's POV.

I'm surprised everyone is taking this pregnancy and wedding as well as they are. I knew mom and dad wouldn't have problem with it. Hell they were trying to get me to have a baby the second they knew I got mated. But Anna and Declan I thought they would freak out about it but nope. They are excited as mom and dad. Trust me they are.

We moved me into the pack house. Anna bought everything. I mean everything paint, curtains, bedroom set, bedding, pictures. Everything. We got to pick it out but she made sure they paid for it. It's a wedding gift. Or so they say. Right. Now the problem was the baby's room. Since we didn't know and still don't know what he or she is. We had sort of a problem. One we didn't know what color to paint it or how to decorate it. And who would pay for it. Considering it's their grandchild they all wanted to pay. I rolled my eyes god only knows how many times over thier argument. It's kinda obvious how to go about it. Split the damn bill in half. Sheesh people.

So after I yelled and cried over it they finally agreed. Stupid parents. Declan was right this poor kid doesn't stand a chance between both our moms. Oh let's not forget the granddads either. They won't admit it but they are just as bad. Everyday when they come home from wherever they have some sort of present for him or her. Luckily it's unisex.

Finally we agreed on yellow for the room. Both colorful and unisex. We have everything for him or her. I mean everything. Things I didn't even know existed. Good thing the baby's room is almost as big as the two master bedrooms. Yes two. On the top floor of their mansion. Or our. Whatever.

My baby shower was kinda difficult for our friends and family. Since we had everything this child could ask for. Everybody had to go search high and low for something unique. They found stuff though. Mostly keepsakes. Special made things. Blankets and what nots. I just have to get them finished because we don't have a name or know the sex of the baby. Our wedding we put off because of me. I couldn't find my dress. Everything was to puffy or to straight. Sorry but I'm as big as a whale there was no way you could get me into something straight. So we decided to wait until after the baby is born and go try again. Of course I cried for two days. Micah being the loving supportive mate is let me cry on his shoulder.

Sitting in class. Well actually all morning I've been having the ache in my back. Nothing serious but still an ache none the less. Yes class. We graduated high school and gave started at a local collage. The joy of being pregnant and in collage.

"You alright?" Micah ask as we walk to a local cafe for lunch like we do everyday. We meet up with our friends. No one from our group went away for collage. No one wanted too. I'm glad though. I didn't want to go through this without them. They are my family too.

"Yeah I'm fine." I tell him.

We go in and they all talk to my belly. Saying hi to the baby. Yeah I've said it before I'll say it again. We've got some messed up friends.

"How you feeling mamma?" Joey chirps.

"You know I've always wanted to ask." I announce. Yes just out of the blue.

"Ask." he says.

"Which one is the little lady in the relationship." I snicker. They all look at me like I wouldn't be the one to ask such a question. In other words they all look at me like I'm nuts. "What? Curious minds want to know."

"Well if you must know momma. No one."

"You mean you switch?"

"Yes." I just shrug. I got my answer. We start eating and I groan.

"What's wrong?" Micah ask.

"My back." he nods and starts rubbing it gently while he eats. He is so use to doing it it doesn't phase him anymore. That or my feet.

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