Chapter 23

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Trini's POV.

I can't believe I wanted to break up with him just because he's being over protective. It's not like he's crowding me or anything. He does give me space. I think it's him and dad both that's bugging me. And let's not forget mom. Micah he has to be touching at all times when I'm with him. I like it I really do. Dad and mom. Well I have to keep my bedroom door open unless Micah is with me. I have to keep the bathroom door unlocked when I use it. It's a pain in the ass. Now he's upset with me. He won't even look at me at school. What hurts the most is he just ignores me.

Sure we see each other because are friends are tied together but when we talk he doesn't talk to me. He redirects his answers or question to someone else. I know I hurt him.

"Trini you have to keep in mind he's a werewolf. They are overprotective jealous arrogant dimwitted animals." mom says.

"Hey! I'm sitting right here you know?" dad huffs.

"I know babe. My point if you love him, you want to be his mate you have to put up with all his quirks. Jealousy and all baby girl. Plus when your mated he won't be so bad. He'll know right away when your in trouble. So he'll ease up." crap I forgot about the mate thing. He will be able to feel what I'm feeling and feel what I feel. She's right. Crap.

"Gotta go." I say jumping from the couch. I run out the door to my car. Then I haul butt to his house. I knock on the door when some women I never seen before answers the door. "Micah here?"

"You are?"

"Mate." come on lady.

"His room."

"Thanks." I run pass her running straight to his room.

I run in without knocking and stood there shocked. He is straddling another girl laughing. Without a shirt on. What the hell? Did he move on? Shit that was fast.

"What the hell?!" I scream.

"Oh hey beautiful." oh hey beautiful. Really Micah? Your laughing and straddling another girl and I get a fucking hey beautiful. The nerve of this prick. "This is Jennifer." he introduces. Like I really want to hear what her name is. "Jennifer Trinity." really Micah introducing your mate and your fuck. What a bastard.

"The Trinity?" Micah nods. "Well get off of me lard ass." she says trying to buck him off.

"No." he growls. That brings me out of my shock.

"Well I'll just let you get back to your little romp." I say walking out.

"Hold it right there Trini!" he orders me. I stop and turn around cocking an eyebrow.

"You think your alpha tone is going to work on me? Well your sadly mistaken asshole. And do you honestly think I want to watch you fuck some whore? Your wrong again Micah." I turn back around walking out. I stop. "Oh go to hell. Micah." so I'm pissed off.

"It's my cousin!" he laughs. I turn back around.

"You expect me to believe that's she's your..."

"Cousin." the girl finishes nodding.

"Oh. Well aren't I an idiot."

"Move fatass." she tells Micah.

He gets off of her and she gets up and jumps off the bed coming over to me.

"Hi idiot I'm Jennifer Micah's cousin." Micah slaps her on the back of the head.

"Owww. What was that for?"

"Calling her an idiot."

"She said it I just agreed."

"Thanks." I mutter.

"No problem well I'll leave you two alone. I'm gonna go see a man about Yes a horse." then she runs out.

"You were jealous." Micah states standing in front of me.

"Was not." I protest. He puts his hands on my waist pulling me to him.

"Yes you were admit it." I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I say. Not for being jealous for dumping him for being overprotective.

"Don't be I think it's cute."

"Not for that you twit. For the whole getting mad and dumping you for being overprotective."

"Don't be I guess I did go a little over board."

"A little?" I question cocking an eyebrow.

"Okay a lot but I'm not sorry about it. If it keeps you safe than I'll do it."

"Well after we mate you won't have too." I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Oh yeah I will. I just won't be as bad." I don't think he's getting it. I just nod. "So why you here?"

"To apologize."

"You don't have too. I should be the one apologizing but I'm not going too." I nod laughing. "But I will apologize for taking it a tad to far. I love you and I'll do what I have to to make sure your protected."

"I know I love you too. Mate me." I blurt out. He stares at me in shock.

"No." he bluntly says. Then let's go of me, sits down on his bed puts his elbows on his knees and leans over.

"Why not?!" I asked in shock. He looks up at me.

"Do you know what that entails?"

"Yes. We have sex." I say in a duh tone.

"And I have to bite you."

"Yeah and you have to bite me. So?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because so you won't be so overprotective."

"That's the only reason?"

"Yeah." he snorts. Wouldn't he want to do this? Come on he's a guy. Shouldn't he be jumping me right about now?

"No I won't do it!" he growls pissed off.

"Why not?"

"When you figure it out come find me." he says getting off the bed and leaving the room with me in shock.

I leave his room go downstairs leaving his house. What I don't get is why didn't he want to have sex with me. We've been together for a while now. I love him he loves me. What's the problem? I slam on my breaks suddenly and groan. God I'm an idiot. He wants to make love to me because we love each other not for any other reason.

Well I screwed up. Didn't I?



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