Chapter 3

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She's beautiful. About 5'4, 5'5, brown hair, green eyes. Damn.

"Well hello beautiful." I say holding my nose. She rolls her eyes.

"Save it Romeo." she says walking off.

"Hey you going to fix my nose?" she slowly turns back around.

"Your a big boy I'm sure you can handle it."

"That's cold. Break my nose then walk away." she shrugs and starts to walk away again.

On no she's not. I run to catch up to her.

"So you new?" I ask walking beside her. She scoffs.

"No I've been going here my whole entire life." I look at her confused. Why doesn't she look familiar?

"How come I've never seem you before?" she scoffs again.

"I don't run in the same circle as you."


"So meaning I stay away from you dorks." I cock an eyebrow amused.

"Dorks. Do you know who I am?"

"Yeah dork number 1." intresting.

"Never been called a dork before. Hot, sexy, a sex god, wet dream, handsome, gorgeous, but never dork."

"You need to quit talking to yourself in the mirror." I laugh at that.

"Micah." I introduce myself.

"I know Trinity."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." she scoffs.

"Nice try but I'm not a whore. Go find one of your groupies."

I'm liking this girl more and more.

"What if I want you to be head groupie?"

"I'd say...pass. I've got better things to do then follow a man whore around."

"Damn you don't even know me and already making snap judgments."

"Oh I know who you are. So does half the female population and from what I hear man too." I scoff at that.

"Are you calling me gay?" I ask cocking an eyebrow. She shrugs.

"Personally I don't care. It's cute."

"I'm not gay. See rumors will get you nowhere. Go on a date with me and I'll prove to I'm not gay." she sighs heavily.

"Well see there's your problem Romeo. I'm not a whore. So shoo. Run along now. Go try that bimbo." she says pointing to the head cheerleader.

"Conquered and almost fell in." she stifles a laugh.

"Well try someone else I'm not a conquest."

"What if I don't want you to be a conquest?"

"Sorry still not interested."

"Come on give me a chance."

"No thanks I prefer to stay diesease free. Maybe you should have some one look at your nose." she tells me. Crap I forgot about my nose.

"Nah I'll be fine." I say wiggling it. She looks at me confused. Then gasp stopping in the middle of the hall.

"Your a..a...a.." she stops herself then gulps loudly.

"A what?" I ask. She pulls me down by my arm so I'm eye level with her. Then whispers in my ear something humans shouldn't know.

"Werewolf." how does she know?

"Pffts. Those doesn't exists." she gives me a bullshit look.

"I umm yeah I umm gotta go." she stutters quickly running off. I'm left there stunned. One why did I get shocks when she touched my arm? Two how the hell does a human know about werewolves?



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