Chapter 20

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Micah's POV.

It's been two weeks. TWO! We've searched everyday. We've search high and low. Airports, bus stations, boats. Anything and everything. We can't seem to catch a break. I've blown up at everybody. I'm scared they are hurting her. I can't feel shit and it pisses me off to no end. So I don't know if they are hurting her or worse......she's dead. That thought just tears me up, makes me sick. When we find them they are so dead. They didn't just fuck with the Silver pack. Oh no they fuck with the Stone pack and WORSE they fucked up with an highly overprotective father and a very highly overprotective mate. Yeah I didn't let it show much but I am.

Her friends Alex, Joe, Kevin and any other guy that came close to her pissed me off. I had to keep telling myself not to let it get to me because one they were friends, two she's human she doesn't understand the wolves jealously and protectiveness. This wolf human mate shit is a pain in the ass. How Ty does it it's beyond me. He says it's because Ky is his true mate. I disagree and tell him Trini is my true mate. He just smiles and nods. We even done some research.

Since Trini is my second chance mate I don't get the feeling that she does or feel the pain she does so we read and read. Hoping there was something in there that would help. So I could contact her. Something. But there was nothing until we fully mate anyway. See with us we don't feel anything until we fully mate. Well besides the love for our mate. With them SOME feel the feelings and stuff before they fully mate. I don't feel anything. UGH! I hate it.

"Micah!" Jayden yells running into the meeting room where we've been for days. If we aren't on duty searching.

"WHAT?!" I snap.

"Look." he says handing me a piece of paper.

**if you want to see the girl again show up in the field tonight. Please don't forget to bring your pack oh and don't forget that bitch that killed my mother** I growled. First wanting to kill my mother then take my mate. That fucker has a lot of nerve.

"Here." I grunt giving it to dad. Oh I'm bringing my pack. Plus Ty's. Dad and Ty plan. I'm not really paying attention. I know I should be and I am just not as good as I should be. My focus is on Trini. I want to get my hopes up but I can't until I see her alive. They're rouges. They're not meant known for sending you a box of chocolates and flowers. Nope they're known for wanting blood.

We leave heading to the clearing. Dad and Ty decide to leave early to give them a surprise should the occasion arise. I hope it does. I really hope it does. I want all those mother fuckers to die.

They show up hours later. Growling, snarling, drooling trying to intimidate us. I'm not the least bit scare. None of us are. Sure Ty scared the living day lights out of me when I first met him but come on look how big the dude is. These guys have nothing on him. And our fighting skills I know for a fact we are deadly. I'm not sure how well the Stone packs fighting is but Trini does say they do train and are good. So I'm taking her word for it.

Me, dad and dads men are up front with the rest of our pack behind us in wolf form. This coward has a few men ready to back him up. Good he's going to need them.

"I know that wolf." dad mutters looking at a russet colored wolf confused. What's that suppose to mean?

"So which one of you dogs is my so called aunt." the guy snarls.

"That would be me. Where's the girl?" mom says stepping in front of dad. He tries to stop her but she yanks her arm back. So all he can do is roll his eyes.

"So your the bitch that killed my mom?" mom shakes her head no.

"I don't know where you got your information at but it's wrong. I didn't get the pleasure of killing her." he snorts.

"And here you mutts are calling us rouges. At least we can admit to killing our prey."

"I would admit it if I did it. I didn't kill your family like you believe. I did however have the satisfaction of killing your grandfather." that pissed him off. He snarls and lunges at her but two guys hold him back.

"Stand down!" a lady shifted then orders.

"Melissa?" dad says shocked and confused.

We haven't heard or seen her in eighteen years. Dad said she just up and left one day. Why he never knew.

"Hello brother." she sneers.

"Why?" is all he ask.


"For what? We never did anything to you."

"You killed the only family that loved me! You chose that whore over me!" she yells at him pointing to mom.

"What the hell are you talking about? We loved you."

"Please all anybody cared about was finding that whore."

"Your doing this because I wanted to find my mate? Unfucking believable."

"No I'm doing this to get revenge. You low life's killed my family!" she snarls. Dad and mom shake their heads.

"Where's the girl?" Dad ask.

"The human?"

"Yes her."

"Right her. You know you have quite a few enemies?" dad shrugs. I see Brittany shoving a very sick almost dead Trinity. She's beat up pretty badly. I growl loudly.

"And you say he doesn't love you." Brittany sneers at Trini pushing her to the ground. What she doesn't think I love her? Oh silly girl.

"Bitch!" I hiss as I take a step up but mom stops me.

'not now remember she's human we don't want her caught in the middle of the fight' I growl but take a step back taking deep breaths.

I got to chill if Trini gets caught in this she's dead for sure.

"See weak." Brittany sneers. "Look what Arianna turned you into. Now keeping humans as pets. Even taking up for them how funny." she giggles.

"Your dead!" I growl.

"I think not but your pet will be." she says as she glides a knife over Trini's cheek. That was it. I lost it. I shifted and lunged at her. Right over Trini. I landed with Trini under my belly. I didn't even give the bitch time to scream before I bit her head off. It happen so fast.

I saw nothing but red, the blade and her head rolling away. I quickly shifted back and kneeled down beside her. Don't ask me what's going on around me because I don't know or do I give a shit. Trini is my main focus right now.

"Hey baby. You okay?" I ask stroking her cheek. Yeah stupid question. She just nods. "Kane, Jayden!" yell. The two come out of know where. I got to get her out of here.

"You okay to move?" I ask her.

"No." she whispers. That's what I thought. She looks pretty bad. I nod

"Jay shift!" I order as I pick up Trini. He does immediately. He's the fastest runner. "Kane on!" I order. He jumps on Jayden. Jayden leans down so I can hand Trini to Kane. He knew where I was getting at. "Straight to the pack house and to the doctor. Go. Now!" they take off without another word. 'Scott Liam follow make sure nothing else happens to them' I knew they got the message.

I turn my attention back to everybody else. Shit a battle broke out. God I hope the guys were able to follow. They have no protection. I shifted quickly and joined. I fought and worried about Trini the whole time. I got a glimpse of Ty a couple of times. Let's just say he's a badass plowing them down one right after another. Him and mom would make an awesome team. Oops don't let my dad hear me say that. My pack had no problem taking out these rouges.



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