Chapter 6

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Micah's POV.

I wasn't really ready to go home yet but I guess I'll have too. Mom and dad need to know about this shit but not over the phone. I would go home and tell them then leave but I wouldn't do that to my family. No I'll stay and fight. Then I could leave. I don't know. Let's see how it goes. Why do we got to go home?

Well last night Jayden got a call from a rouge pack wanting us to join and attack MY FAMILY! Yeah how screwed up is that? Of course they didn't know that, that's my family but still. Why everybody thinks of us rouges is beyond me.

We are just a small pack of loners. Just us six. We aren't looking for trouble. We are just six guys that found each other.

I meet Jayden before I left. He was traveling thru our town when I came across him. We became friends immediately. He helped me thru my first shift. When Brittany rejected me and I told him I wanted to get away for a while so we left. Then one by one along the way to wherever we were going we picked up the rest. Some left because of bad families, rejected mates whatever.

We found this place along the way and stuck around. Jayden is our alpha, I'm second in command. Owen is the quiet one. Kane is the nerdy dude, Liam is the jokester and Scott is the mean one. And well they are just themselves. I'm brought out of my thoughts by a very loud vroom.

"Dude nice bike." Kane says. I look up and there is a gorgeous motorcycle. Yes I get hard ons from motorcycles. I love them. Mom taught me how to drive one before I was ten. The person jumps off taking their helmet off and I'm surprised.

It's that chick Trinity. Damn she's hot. How could I have not of noticed her before? A car pulls up beside her seconds later. Then a freakishly huge dude gets out. Shit a werewolf. A alpha. He just radiates alpha. Oozes alpha. You can smell him ten miles away. Damn his bigger than my dad. And my dad is pretty huge. Crap where did they find him? Werewolf r us. Damn he make me want to pee myself, shit myself and do it all over again. And the look on his face he isn't happy.

Suddenly another dude steps out. Shit where did these guys come from? Are they on werewolf steroids? He's just as big. and Trinity is walking up to them. Smiling. Shouldn't she be running in the opposite direction.

"I think we are in dipshit." I mutter. His head suddenly snaps to us and we all gulp.

"Yep as in dead, ten feet under." Owen says.

"Last one to the car is a dead wolf. I'll remember to write you a beautiful eulogy." Jayden says.

"Shit you think any of us would have time to shift much less make it to the car?" I ask. They all shake their heads no. If we weren't so scared this would be comical.

You have six werewolves scared shitless. Don't get me wrong we can hold our own in a fight. Human or werewolf but these guys make the jolly green giant look like a smurf. My mom and dad taught me how to fight since I could walk. We hear a low growl and gulp.

"Rouges." he growls. "Class baby girl." the first guy demands. I would so roll my eyes right now but I'm afraid he might pull them out with his pinkies. Seriously where did they come from? Looks like he could squish your head with his thumb and forefinger.

"Yes daddy." Trinity answers walking off. DADDY! But...but she's human. Theirs no way that's her dad. I didn't smell were in her or on her. What the hell?! So that's how she knows about werewolf.

He points to the ground meaning get your ass over here or your dead. We gulp. Timidly walking over to him. Jesus I need to pee. I'm a fucking alpha why the hell am I so scared? I ask myself. Because I've never seen wolves built this big before. I wonder if mom and dad have. Okay stand tall. Don't let them know how scared you are. Man up Micah. We stop in front him.

"Why are you here?!" he demands. Jayden nudges me to answer. Wow isn't he alpha. "Well?!" shit dude give me time to answer.

"Just going to school."

"Why haven't I seen you around?!" I ask myself the same question.

"We just stay to ourselves mostly."

"Here to cause trouble rouge?!"

"No sir. And we are not rouges."

"Loners? How long you here for?!"

"Just a couple of more weeks." he looks at the other guy. I think they are having a mind link conversation because the other guy just nods.

"Dinner tonight my house. Then you can explain why you sneaking around." that wasn't invite. It was a demand.

"Yes sir." I answer quickly. Even though we aren't sneaking around but I wasn't about to argue. He nods getting in the car.

"Get the address from Trini." he tells me. Then backs up and drives off. Trini cute.

"Shit I need to go check my pants." Scott jokes sighing in relief.

"Me and you both." Luke snickers.

"What the hell Jayden?!" I ask.

"Sorry I panicked." I scoff at that.

"Sure throw me to the wolves. Literally. Asshole."


"Your alpha dude man up."

"Did you see how big he was? Where the hell did he come from. Jesus. The look alone made me pee a little." now we laugh.

"Oh what a big bad alpha we have." I snicker.

"Please like you didn't pee yourself. God I feel sorry for his mate dude. Could you image waking up to that. Sure his hot but damn." we stop and look at him.

"Di..." Liam starts.

"That's not what I meant I'm just saying."

"Sure Jay. You know we have dinner tonight with him. Take care of your boner before we get there and control yourself." I snicker.

"Haha funny. Your playing alpha." I shake my head. "Alphas orders!" he growls. "Don't even try that with me. You know it doesn't work."

"Damn it." he mutters.

"But since you pussed out. I might as well play the part." he sighs in relief.

"Thanks man."

"Yeah yeah. Let's go." we head off to class.

The morning goes by awfully slow as I'm walk to lunch I see Trinity. I walk up to her.

"Hey I need your address." I tell her.

"Ah your still alive?"

"Yeah thanks for feeding me to the wolves?"

"No problem." she snickers.

"So dad care to explain?"

"Nope. Here." she says giving me her address. I take it and brush her hand. I get those shocks again. What the hell? She didn't notice them. "Dinner?" she ask.

"Yeah." she nods.

"It's at six." I nod.


"Don't be late dad hates late people." she informs me.

"Thanks for info." she nods and turns the corner. Well bye.


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