chapter 11

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Haru was 26 when he officially became Haruka Tachibana.

It had taken 2 years for the adoption process and family registry forms to be filled out, processed, and approved but Haru felt that it was the best two years he had ever spent waiting for anything. Haru and Makoto had spent the entire day with their family and friends, the entire Tachibana clan, the Nanase's, Nagisa, Rei, Kou and even Rin had shown up arriving a little later due to his flight from Australia. Haru proudly showed off his wedding ring, the one with the little engraved dolphin. Makoto had asked if he wanted a fancier one but Haru refused insisting that this one was perfect. Makoto wore a marching ring engraved with a small orca. After everyone had gone to their respective hotels for the night to get ready for their own little wedding ceremony Makoto stopped Haru. They stood under a streetlight on a bridge, a soft glittering river right next to them. Makoto gave Haru a sweet little smile. Haru gave a returning smile. They slowly drew together and kissed each other sweetly. They both knew exactly what the other was trying to say,

"I love you."

"I know."

"You being deaf will never dampen that love, you know that right?"

"Of course. We never needed words anyway."

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