chapter 6

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Haru was 17 when he lost his virginity.

The entire swim team was celebrating. They had just won regionals and we're currently eating at a very fancy restaurant, courtesy of their club supervisor Miho Amakata. The night was winding down and everyone headed back to their rooms in the hotel they were staying at. Miss Amakata and Gou said goodnight and left for their room on the second floor. When they reached the third floor Nagisa and Rei bid them goodnight after reaching their shared room. Haru and Makoto headed to their own room further down the hall. Makoto and Haru each took a shower separately then settled into bed, Makoto turning on the television and making sure the subtitles were on for Haru. The room was equipped with two double beds but neither seen the point when they could just share one bed. Haru turned to Makoto and signed.

"Makoto, let's celebrate."

"But we just had dinner?"

"No, I want to celebrate, just me and you. I want to take a step forward. I want to, I want to move forward with you." Strangely Haru got wordy when he was nervous.


"I want to have-" He shook his head, no that wasn't the the right word.

He looked Makoto straight in the eyes.

"I want to make love." Makoto froze, he was in shock.

"A - are you s-sure? I mean, we don't have to, I don't want to pressure you."

Haru shook his head. Seeing Makoto as nervous as him made him feel braver.

"No, I want to. But only if you want to, too." Makoto relaxed and smiled.

"Of course, I do Haru. I have for awhile now." Makoto lowered his head sheepishly.

Haru nodded and undid the fluffy white robe he wore after exiting the shower, Makoto wore an identical robe. Haru stood up allowing the robe to fall from his shoulders and land behind him on the floor, he was completely nude under the robe. Haru was usually unabashedly confident when it came to nudity but came to realize that even he felt self conscience and unsure under the gaze of his lover. Makoto smiled and reached his fingertip out to trace a single word on Haru's abdomen.


Haru blushed a deep shade of red and shyly grasped the ties of Makoto's own robe. Makoto smiled and nodded so Haru pulled the fabric to reveal Makoto's broad strong chest and firmly chiseled abs. Haru almost snorted at the childish kitten printed boxer briefs he wore underneath. Makoto blushed but stood up to toss his robe alongside Haru's across the room, his boxer briefs following shortly. They both stood breathless, they had both seen each other naked before, they even still bathed together but the knowledge that they were about to go forward tonight, to officially cross the line from friends to lovers, both terrified and excited them.

Makoto slowly turned Haru and gently lowered him to the bed, giving him plenty time to change his mind and stop. Haru didn't stop him. Makoto slowly got onto the bed laying on his side next to Haru. Haru's breaths were coming faster and shallower the more aroused he got. Makoto brought his large hand to Haru's chest, gently stroking right over where his heart would be, Haru nearly cried at the tender gesture. Makoto's caressing took a slightly more sensual turn as he began palming at his nipple. Haru unconsciously arched his back towards Makoto. Makoto used the pad of his thumb to gently circle Haru's nipple causing it to peak. Makoto gently brushed his thumb over it making Haru gasp, delighted with the reaction Makoto did this again and again until Haru whimpered in the back of his throat. Realizing the nipple was over stimulated and probably bordering painful now, Makoto moved in to the other side.

Haru was now becoming aware that since his sense of hearing was gone his sense of touch was amplified. As Makoto thumbed his right nipple he brought his lips down to the first one he teased. He lightly kissed it before leaving his tongue over it in an attempt to soothe the swollen skin.

Haru, who was now quietly breathing through his mouth, brought his hands to the back of Makoto's head and threaded through his fluffy hair, signaling for him to keep going. Haru relished in the feeling of Makoto's hair, for the first time realizing that his hair was indeed as soft as it looked when he first met him so many years ago. Makoto gently suckled on Haru's nipple for a few moments before moving onto the second one. As Makoto sucked and licked the skin of Haru's chest he gently stroked one hand up and down Haru's side. Haru was panting lightly, he gently tugged a strand of Makoto's hair. Makoto didn't need words to know this meant he wanted things to move along. Makoto brought his lips to Haru's neck leaving light kisses and small licks to the area as he shifted on top of Haru. Haru jolted at the sensation of Makoto's hot, rigid flesh pressed intimately against his own. Makoto looked into Haru's eyes wordlessly asking permission, Haru nodded.

Makoto took both Haru and himself into his right hand, his left forearm propping himself slightly over Haru. Makoto slowly drew his hips back then just as slowly drew them forward. Haru shivered at the sensation. Makoto kept a slow yet steady pace, Haru lost himself in the feeling. The undulations of Makoto's hips were like the soft lapping waves of the ocean, back and forth, back and forth. Haru could feel himself moaning, usually Haru disliked speaking because he could no longer hear if he sounded normal or not so he just stopped talking or making sounds all together, but right now with Makoto's warm embrace protecting him he could care less.

Makoto was now shaking with need but refused to speed up his gentle pace, this was not the act of hormones seeking release, no, he was making love to Haru, his Haru. Haru wrapped his arms around Makoto's neck, holding onto him, and began undulating his own hips to the same gentle rhythm Makoto had established. Haru could feel the vibrations of Makoto's chest signifying that he was indeed moaning right alongside Haru, probably even louder, Haru smiled at the thought. Makoto lowered his head to kiss Haru, their mouths immediately opening and slotting together to allow their tongues to entwine almost lazily.

Haru's entire body was shaking, he could feel his orgasm building slowly, his entire being, body and soul, enveloped with a burning heat that left his fingers, toes, and even his mind numb with pleasure. They kissed leisurely as Makoto kept a firm but gentle grip on both of their shafts and they both moved their hips, in no hurry to see this over quite yet. They both had to break the kiss in order to breathe, Makoto instead buried his head into Haru's neck. They were both getting close to the precipice of pleasure but both refused to thrust any faster, keeping the slow almost hypnotic pace.

Haru felt as if he were in the ocean, Makoto's warmth moving steadily over him, burning his flesh. Haru could feel the warm wetness of their combined precome making him feel that much hotter because yes, this was happening. He was making love with Makoto, his Makoto. Haru could feel the wave of pleasure building and building like a tidal wave until finally that wave crashed over him. He gasped. The vision behind his closed eyelids went completely white, his body paralyzed. He vaguely felt Makoto tense above him, the mouth on his neck forming one word feverently,




After what seemed like hours, Makoto collapsed on top of Haru. Haru welcomed the warm, solid weight, proof that Makoto was indeed here with him. Haru slowly opened his eyes letting the feelings of euphoria wash over him, when Makoto looked back at him with glazed eyes and a tired smile Haru assumed he was doing the same. Makoto stood up almost lethargically and left only to return a few moments with a warm, wet washcloth. He then wiped the drying semen from both their bodies and threw the washcloth somewhere on the floor. He climbed back into bed, pulling Haru towards his chest. Haru pulled the blankets up over their bodies and they both settled down, face to face, to enjoy the afterglow. Makoto stroked Haru's face tenderly,

"I love you, Haru," He signed.

Haru hesitated before speaking aloud for the first time in four years.

"I love you, Makoto."

love has no wordsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon