chapter 8

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Haru was 19 when he moved into an apartment in Tokyo with Makoto.

"Haru, are you sure this is all you have?" Makoto gestured to the two medium sized cardboard boxes in front of his soon to be old house.

Haru's parents had moved from the house six months prior due to their jobs demanding them to relocate, Haru was left to the care of the Tachibana's. His mother had laughed and asked the Tachibana's to take care of their new daughter in law. Haru was less than amused by this comparison. Makoto gently placed his large hand on Haru's shoulder, breaking him from his memories.

"Haru, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just reminiscing." Makoto smiled.

"Yeah, we'll be heading to a completely new home. Our home." Haru's heart fluttered at these words.

Many hours later Makoto and Haru had finally finished putting away all of the things that they had brought. This included a small loveseat, a few dishes and utensils and a queen size mattress. Just the mattress, no box spring or frame, they were just poor college students after all. Both the Nanase's and Tachibana's had tried persuading them to let them help buy things for their home, while Haru could care less Makoto adamantly refused stating that 1) he wouldn't want to be a burden to them and 2) he wanted to be able to earn enough money to buy their own things and make their house a home. Both sets of parents were impressed with this adult-oriented attitude while Haru was extraordinarily proud of his love.

"Finally done!" Makoto sighed and flopped onto the makeshift bed.

Haru climbed in next to him.

"Time to break in the new bed." Makoto smiled tiredly at Haru but nodded.

He turned on his side to face Haru, he reached out and stroked Haru's face tenderly. Haru hummed and returned the gesture. They kissed softly then slowly removed both of each others clothes. When both were completely naked they caressed each others bodies. Makoto left sweet kisses trailing from Haru's ear to his neck and stopped, just breathing in Haru's sweet scent. Haru stroked Makoto's hair tenderly but stopped abruptly. He knew that soft breathing, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, spent so many nights with Makoto to know, he was dead asleep. Haru just chuckled inwardly, even if the moment was tender and sweet both were too tired to even get erect. Haru yawned, got up and shut off the light, then climbed into bed facing Makoto's back. He then wrapped his arms around him tightly. Normally Haru and Makoto would fight over who would be little spoon seeing as it was a favorite position for both of them but Haru was feeling loving tonight so he would sacrifice the position to make Makoto happy, just for tonight though.

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