chapter 5

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Haru was 15 when he received his first and last love confession.

Haru and Makoto were walking home from school, a Saturday afternoon in the middle of June. The sun was low in the sky, just setting. The swim team had finished practice, Rei, Nagisa, and manager Kou were all apart of the team along with Haru and Makoto with Rin attending a different high school focusing on athletics. After practice they decided to grab a bite to eat at their favorite Ramen shop and we're now heading home at a much later time than usual. Makoto stopped halfway down the sidewalk, the ocean and sand to his left, the setting sun reflecting on his face. Haru took a few steps before stopping and turning around. Haru knew Makoto had something important to say.

"H-H-Haru." His hands shook badly giving the illusion of a stutter.

"Haru I," He paused and looked down, closing his eyes.

"I like you. Really like you." He looked up and caught and held Haru's gaze.

"Haru, I love you." Haru was never good with words so he did the one thing he was good at, actions.

Haru took a step forward, then two, gently grasping Makoto's face between his hands. They stared at each other until Haru finally gave an answer, he tilted his head slightly to the right and pressed his lips tenderly to Makoto's. Makoto was stunned but still managed to wrap his arms around Haru and part his lips, deepening the kiss. Haru wasted no time in gingerly sliding his tongue into Makoto's mouth, pressing and licking, coaxing Makoto's own tongue to entwine with his. Makoto obliged, shyly bringing his own tongue to lick at Haru's until he was bold enough to gently catch Haru's tongue between his lips and gently suck on it. Haru could feel his own moan alongside Makoto's whimper through the vibrations in their chests which were pressed closely together. There they shared their first kiss, on the sidewalk, in front of the setting sun, by Haru's beloved ocean, out in the middle of public without a care except feeling the others warmth.

When each arrived home they shared the good news of their new boyfriend to their parents, neither boy's family was surprised. Their entire Sunday, which had been planned to be spent kissing, was interrupted by two over eager 8 year old twins begging Onii-chan and Haru-nii to play. Haru spent the night at Makoto's where they both slept soundly, hands and legs entwined. The next day they held hands on the way to school. When they were spotted Gou blushed but looked thrilled, Rei merely nodded in approval, and Nagisa actually squealed. The entire school paid no attention to them as they held hands to every class, they were practically already a couple so this new hand holding development phased no one. On their way to their last class Makoto smiled at Haru and quickly placed a kiss to his temple. The kiss spoke without words or even sign language.

"I love you." Haru rested his head on Makoto's shoulder which said I love you too.

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