chapter 3

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Haru was 10 when he met his second true love (water).

The school Makoto and Haru attended required students to have swim lessons. As soon as Haru gazed into the pool he was smiling. The crystal clear surface promised something, something he thought he would never encounter. A world where sound wasn't necessary. It was strange how sound travels faster in water yet voices were always garbled underwater. Haru didn't care, the water was a world where he could just feel. And when he drifted long enough he would pull himself to the edge to find his soul mate awaiting with an outstretched hand and beautiful smile, all for him. Haru was slightly annoyed, and maybe a teeny bit jealous, when Makoto made three new friends the very same day they started classes. Rin was too arrogant, Nagisa too loud, and Rei too logical. But Haru didn't mind them too much because they all had large hearts and caring personalities so Haru let them stick around. He told them about his deafness a year later but they all stuck around and treated Haru the same as always. Haru was thankful.

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