chapter 10

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Makoto held his hand out to Haru when he returned. Haru took it and was gently led to their bedroom. They both removed their clothes slowly, sensually. Makoto approached Haru and gathered him into his arms. Haru melted at the feeling of those arms around him, they were strong enough to bench press at least 200 lbs. but gentle enough to cradle newborn kittens. Haru melted into those arms. Makoto caught Haru's lips and kissed him sweetly, tenderly. Makoto's hand drew up and down Haru's spine, caressing the skin and leaving a burning feeling everywhere he touched while his other hand gently cupped Haru's face bringing their mouths as close as possible. Haru brought his tongue out slowly, Makoto following shortly. They took turns licking into each others mouths, tasting and feeling, never dominating.

As they continued to kiss the hand stroking Haru's back was brought further down, caressing then cupping Haru's cheek. Haru let out a shameless moan, ever since their first time Haru had lost any and all self consciousness knowing that Makoto would never judge him. Makoto guided Haru backwards until they both tumbled onto the bed. They kissed there leisurely until Makoto questioned Haru.

"Top or bottom?" Haru pondered this for a moment.


Makoto nodded and climbed onto Haru, straddling his waist. Haru caressed Makoto's strong thighs, feeling the way the muscles flexed and relaxed while holding Makoto upright. While Haru explored Makoto's legs Makoto himself let his hands wander across Haru's chest. Makoto loved the feeling of every dip and curve of Haru's abdomen and was twice as thrilled every time his finger brushed against a perky nipple because it would always make Haru arch his back, begging for more. Makoto was pulled from his thoughts with a sharp gasp as he felt Haru snake both hands around his hips, grabbing both cheeks firmly, and pull his hips towards Haru's. At the first slide of their throbbing erections Makoto grabbed the bed sheets. Haru took in the sight of Makoto's perfection. His brown locks cutely disheveled, eyes lidded and heavy with desire, and lips parted with what had to be a moan of satisfaction. Haru felt a brief pang at knowing he would never know what Makoto's erotic voice sounded like but that thought was quickly banished when Makoto brought his lips to Haru's ear, he felt the burning warmth of a tongue licking the shell of his ear and the alternating coolness from the puffs of air leaving Makoto's mouth, he could taste both his own overwhelming desire and Makoto's own burning passion on the tip of his tongue, all he could see was the broad shoulders and back of his Makoto and could only smell Makoto's sweet soap and tangy sweat, he was completely surrounded by Makoto and he couldn't imagine anything bringing him closer to the ecstasy he felt now.

Makoto brought their hips together again, this time slightly grinding. Haru shivered with pleasure. Makoto continued mouthing at Haru's jawline and neck until Haru could take no more and grabbed the sides of Makoto's face and bringing them into a breathless kiss. Haru let Makoto lead the kiss, his hot tongue sweeping every inch of Haru's mouth. Caressing the rigid roof, teasingly running over his teeth and gums, until finally he twirled his tongue around Haru's and brought his lips closer, gently suckling Haru's tongue into his mouth. Their hips never faltered in the steady rhythm they had set. Makoto looked deep into Haru's eyes conveying a message, Haru merely nodded and with that nod both reached down simultaneously to grasp the others penis.

Haru gently pulled back Makoto's foreskin to thumb underneath the head, Makoto also pulled back Haru's foreskin so he could swipe the pad of his forefinger across the top. Neither could quite understand how the other knew exactly where all of their sensitive spots were better than themselves but neither questioned it. It was probably because they were soul mates anyway, one soul in two separate bodies. Makoto's arm was beginning to shake with the strain of keeping himself propped up so Haru guided him onto his side, facing each other. Haru slide closer to Makoto until their hips brushed against each other and resumed their stroking. Makoto brushed back Haru's fringe from his eyes, admiring the beautiful deep blue. Haru pressed his face to Makoto's neck, inhaling then leaving a gentle kiss followed by a shaky exhale. He continued this pattern for several breaths. Makoto's hand ghosted lower and caressed Haru's tender sack before returning to the tip, Haru in turn rubbed soothing circles into Makoto's hip which made the larger man give a full body shudder. Haru brought his hips even closer, erections almost melding together.

Makoto got the hint and wrapped his large hand around both of them. Haru threw his leg over Makoto's hip bone, bringing them closer than before. They both moved their hips in soft undulating motions. No matter how many times they did this their pace would never become frantic or rushed. Their pleasure mounted as Makoto stroked them off, Haru's hands running sensually up and down Makoto's spine while Makoto's free and wrapped around the back of his his neck, fingers playing with the soft fine hairs there. Haru was a panting shivering mess. Makoto was faring no better. All it took was a fevered.

"I love you" whispered into Makoto's neck by Haru.

"I love you, too" conveyed by Makoto through eye contact.

Before both felt completely washed in pleasure, both of their bodies locked together, muscles taut and shaking, as they reached their climax almost simultaneously. Haru was the first to recover, falling limply at Makoto's side until Makoto gathered him into his arms. They quickly cleaned up and changed the sheets, settling in for the nights rest. Makoto lying on his back with Haru's head on his chest.It was exactly 14 minutes after making love that Haru and Makoto life changed forever. After making sure Haru hadn't fallen asleep and that he was paying attention to his hands Makoto spoke,

"Haru..." his hands stuttered the same way as when he first confessed to Haru.

"P-please, I l-love you so m-much." He took a moment's break because he's hands were shaking so bad.

"I was going to wait until tomorrow, our anniversary, but I can't wait anymore." Haru sat up and looked curiously at Makoto who had now got up and went across the room, shuffling through their dresser for something.

When Makoto had returned he stopped just short of the bed, directly in front of Haru. Makoto slowly got on one knee, the candlelight casting dark shadows across his face and procured a small satin box. Haru's heart stopped, his world stopped. Haru's throat closed up, fingers and toes going numb, he fought back against the tears threatening to fall. Makoto opened the box and placed it in Haru's lap. Inside sat a small silver ring with a small dolphin etched into it, upon closer inspection he noticed the inside was engraved with

"I love you Haru, always and forever."

"Please Haru, make me the happiest man on earth. Please marry me." Haru finally let the tears cascade down his face as he nodded enthusiastically.

Makoto was so thrilled that he quickly grabbed the ring and placed it on Haru's left hand, directly on his ring finger. They kissed but then Haru made a very good point.

"Makoto, we're men. We can't marry in Japan." Makoto looked sheepish as he got up again and rustled through the same drawer. This time he pulled out an adoption registry form.

"I know it's not the same Haru but-"

Anything he was going to say was cut off by Haru leaping off the bed and into his arms.

"Make me yours, Makoto. I want to be Haruka Tachibana." The sound of Haru's new name gave shivers down Makoto's spine.

They made love until neither could hold their eyes open and even then they still clung to each other, both refusing to let go ever.

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