Second Year part 8

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Some seconds passed and Yuri's headache got only worse. He felt dizzy by now and thought about everything he knew about killing vampires. There were only two was to do that. The first way was an unforgivable curse and the second was to stab a wooden stake through their chest. He could actually do neither of this because he never learned any of the unforgivable curses and was to weak to move. He looked around and saw a big wooden stick. "That will work" he thought.

"Hey will you little shit stop ignoring me" Wasili yelled. He was trying to talk to Yuri the whole time but the boy was too focused on a way to kill the vampire.

"Pick up the stick behind you" Yuri said in a calm voice and after about two more minutes Wasili was standing there with the stick in his hand. He had tried to disobey but lost in the end. "I see that your condition is bad. If it goes on like this you'll pass out and when that happends be sure that you'll never open your eyes again."

"Now stab yourself" the younger commanded. He was exhausted and knew that he had probably only minutes left. He hoped that Wasili would stab himself but the vampire resisted. Yuri struggled to keep his eyes open and than out of nowhere he heard someone calling his name. It was a familiar voice. The voice got louder and louder and somehow sounded desperate. Maybe that person was worried about him?

"Victor I'm here" he suddenly called. It was like a wonder but he also knew that his dad must be here or at least somewhere around Hogwarts. Victor was responsible for the vampire hunt so it was only logical that he would turn up at some point. The last thing the blond boy saw was his dad running towards Wasili with a stake in his hand. That was it. Everything got dark and quiet. It felt so lonely yet good. Beeing here meant that he lived and that meant that Victor won.

After a while it got lighter. There was some light and Yuri could also hear voices. One voice was Victor's and the other was... Who's was it again? It sounded so familiar yet he couldn't recognize it. Probably because Victor talked most of the time. He listend to their conversation and as soon as the other voice talked again he recognised it as Otabek's. How could he not recognize Otabek's voice was what he thought. He opened his eyes and both stopped talking.

"Yura are you ok?" Otabek asked with a soft look. Yuri was already used to that soft look Otabek gave him every time he passed out.

"Yurio you scared me to death. How could you go after a vampire all alone" Victor whined. At least Victor was his normal self which has to mean that everything is fine.

"I am fine. You killed him, didn't you?" the blond boy asked just to get sure.

"Of course I did. I guess if I came only seconds later that wouldn't have been possible. He couldn't move because of you so it was not only me. Without you he would still live and kill people. You did a great job but it was really dangerous. Don't do such stupid things ever again I was scared to death that something might happend do you" Victur said and hugged Yuri .

After a week Yuri was allowed to leave the infirmary and his life was back to normal. He went to his classes, spend time with his friends and enjoyed his vampire free life.

The school year came to an end and the students were all seated in the dining hall. Professor McGonagall hold her speech like every other year and it was now time to announce the winner of the house cup " on the last place we have Ravenclaw with 267 points, third place is Hufflepuff with 281 points and before I announce the first and second place we have to give out some extra points. Some of you probably know about how the vampire attacks ended. For those who don't Yuri Plisetsky a second year Slytherin helped to defeat them. This act of braveness deserves a reward and with that said Slytherin will get 50 points for Yuri Plisetsky fearless actions that lead to the defeat of the vampires. Now back to the first and second place. With those extra points Slytherin wins with 354 points against Gryffindor with 346 points".

All Slytherins cheered and Yuri was beeing treated nice for the first time. The other Slytherins won because of him and that made them thing he was one of them. Tey showed gratitude but Yuri didn't liked it and couldn't forget the past. So he was happy when he could leave the dining hall.

Otabek, JJ, Seung Gil, Leo, Guang Hong and Yuri were all sitting together in the Hogwarts Express and waiting to see their families again. Another year ended and they were already looking forward to see each other again.


OMG guys there are already over 500 reads that is amazing. Here is the last part of the second year. There are (only) five more years to go. I hope you like my story. See you soon


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