"Well, I'm sure I can get him to warm up to me." Lewis grinned.

"Yeah sure. That'll be the day Hell freezes over." I grinned before I stuffed the remaining skittles back into my bag as the other students began filing in.

I risked a quick glance to my right and smiled at Ryder as I caught him staring at me... again. I blinked when I saw his eyes turn brighter but I shrugged it off as I turned my attention to the teacher.

After the lesson had ended the bell rang signalling it was lunch time. I stood up with my bag and began to walk out of the room only to be stopped by Lewis.

"We're having a party in the woods on Friday after school and Ryder asked me to invite you." He grinned and gestured to his brother who was watching the two of us closely from his desk.

"Yeah I'd love to, but I'll have to bring Elliott." I smiled.

"Great. Look forward to seeing you there." He pulled me into a one armed hug before he hurried back to his brother and friends while Ryder glared at him for some unknown reason.

I sighed and walked away from the classroom and in the direction of the girls bathroom. Was it bad that I was already feeling exhausted from just a few hours of being here? I vowed to get some more sleep later.

I pushed open the door to the bathroom and walked in. It was empty so I guessed everyone was heading to lunch. I dumped my bag on the counter and looked at my appearance in the mirror. Bright green eyes looked back at me, my black hair still looked soft and curly and I looked a lot more awake than I felt.

My gaze snapped towards the door when three girls stormed in. They were all wearing cheerleading uniforms and were caked in make up. I was about to turn away and ignore them but I saw them dragging another girl behind them. She was much smaller than the other girls, she wore cute green glasses and had a round face and brown hair but her brown eyes were wide in fright.

"Oi! New girl!" I glared at the fake blonde who addressed me like I was something she stepped in. "Get out."

"Why?" I asked in almost a growl.

"Because I said so." She replied.

"Oh really? And who are you to talk to me like that?" I hissed.

"I'm Tiffany Medlock, captain of the cheerleading squad." She raised her chin looking proud.

"Oh so you're no one important then?" I smiled when I saw her expression harden.

"How dare you -"

"No! How dare you drag someone in here like that." I glared as I gestured to the poor girl shaking in fear in the corner.

"She bumped me!"

"Well then congrats to her!" I yelled back with just as much venom. Yeah I had a problem with my anger, so what?

"Just leave so we can teach the midget a lesson." The girl on Tiffany's right spoke up with a glare.

"Make me." Those two words shut the three of them up.

I put my bag back on and moved over to the terrified girl and helped her to her feet. She really was quite short, she came up to my shoulder, not that I cared, I was quite tall anyway. I guided her out of the bathroom and into the partially deserted corridor.

"Where do you think you're going?" I turned just as Tiffany reached me, she grabbed the front of my jacket and with strength I didn't know she had threw me against the lockers.

I easily kicked her in the stomach making her release me before I landed a punch in the centre of her face making her cry out. I slammed the other girl into the locker before I kicked the third one to the floor. I grabbed Tiffany in a head lock and began to tighten my hold as her two friends tried to pull me off her.

"Apologize!" I hissed.

Tiffany made a choking sound as she tried to speak.

"I said apologize for treating her the way you did." I said referring to the scared girl.

"S-sorry!" She coughed as I released her, making her stumble away from me.

"Next time you wanna bully someone, remember I bully back." I hissed.

"What's going on here?" A tall teacher stormed down the corridor pushing through the people that had gathered around us.

"The new girl attacked me!" Tiffany accused causing me to laugh.

"I just fought back!" I yelled.

"Martinez, isn't it?" The teacher asked me and I nodded. "Principal's Office now! Tiffany, go to the nurse, your nose looks like it could be broken."

I smirked in victory when I looked as Tiffany, she really did look terrible at the moment and so did her two friends.

I glared at Tiffany before I took the girls hand from earlier and pulled her with me towards the Principal's Office. I wanted her away from those bitches.

"Y-you're bleeding..." I looked at the girl beside me when her timid voice spoke up.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." I smiled at her, I could feel the blood on my temple and the side of my face but I ignored it for now. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Amy Lockwood." She whispered sounding almost afraid.

"Wait. Lockwood? As in Lewis and Ryder Lockwood?"

"They're my older brothers." She mumbled.

"Why haven't you told them about what those horrid excuses for humans have been doing?" I replied looking down at her questioningly but she merely looked down, avoiding my gaze.

"They'll take things way out of line, I'm worried what they'd do and I don't want them in trouble." She said looking up at me.

"That's very noble but no one should suffer in silence." I said.

"I know but I don't like causing trouble for them, they're way too protective anyway." She replied and I smiled.

"I'm Aurora Martinez, but everyone calls me Rory." I told her with a smile.

"Thank you, Rory. Thank you for what you did for me, my brothers and parents would be grateful too." She grinned.

"Anytime. Why don't we hang out later? I never have many girl friends so I'd like to change that." I suggested.

"I'd love that! How about after school?" She grinned making my smile widen, she was really pretty when she smiled.

"Sounds good to me. Here's my number so text me with the time and we'll organise to go somewhere. Maybe a nice diner or something?" I told her as I wrote my number on a piece of paper and gave it to her.


"I guess I'll see you after I've visited the principal." I smiled.

"I hope you don't get in too much trouble." She told me sadly.

"It'll be worth it." I chuckled before we turned in different directions with one last smile at each other.

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