Lord Hokage, I promise.

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One by one people started to approach the memorial and pay their respects and as I watched them, waiting for my turn, my mind drifted off back to the first day I arrived here.

Ibiki stormed out slamming the door shut behind him and I frowned. Jabbing a thumb at the shut door I looked to the Hokage and asked seriously. “Time of month?”

The old man chuckled as he took out his pipe and stuffed something into it. I wasn’t keen on knowing what.

“Rima,” he said and the tone of his voice caused my back to straighten, my attention to snap to him. “There is something I must ask of you.”


“There are many reasons why I summoned you back. One being that this is your home but another, one more important I believe,” he began, lifting his eyes to meet mine. “Is that I need you to look out for someone for me.”

My brows creased in confusion. “A mission?”

“No, just a favour.”

“Why? Can’t you get someone else to do it?”

He was already shaking his head before I even finished. Sighing, the Hokage lowered his pipe. “I can’t trust them to do this.”

“Do what?”

“One of your new teammates is carrying something very special within them and he is rather reckless and doesn’t know the power he possesses.”

“So? I still don’t get what this has to do with me,” I said with a shrug.

“The power he possesses will eventually attract certain S-rank ninjas after him,” Hokage said in a low voice.

On queue a shiver traced a path down my spine as an image of red eyes flashed in my mind. My breath escaped me in a gasp.“Itachi.”

“The Akatsuki, yes,” sighing the Lord Hokage’s eyes softened. “I know it isn’t my place to ask this of you, I know how you feel about us here and I understand but Rima, I need you to be there for Naruto. I need you to be his shield, to protect him from everyone, even himself.”

“Why me?” I asked in total confusion. “Why not someone stronger?”

“Because there is one thing you and Naruto have in common that no one else does.”

“What? A love of ramen?” I asked sarcastically.

The Hokage’s eyes shone in delight. “Yes that, but you never give up. You’re determination to prevail is unmatched and that is why I know you are the best person to protect him. But the question is, will you?”

The Truth Behind The Lies {Naruto Fan-Fiction}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz