58. 'Secret'

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58. 'Secret'

Hush, hush
Don't speak.
It's a secret,
Pretend it didn't hurt,
Pretend you didn't cry,
Because it's a secret,

Hush, hush
Don't speak.
They will know about it.
And if they do,
They will judge,
They will ridicule,
Because it's a secret
That you are different
from everybody else.

Hush, hush
Don't speak.
Your feelings don't matter.
Your love isn't love,
It's a disease,
They will say,
Because it's a secret
Which is shameful for them.

Hush, hush
Don't speak.
It's a secret,
And let it be one
Because even if this poem
were to be end
in a happy note,
Society will always be

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