Chapter 6

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      We're in the elevator and it's too awkward. Should I break the silence?

"Am I even allowed to go with you to your room?"

He nods. "As long if I know you're not some murderer or a crazy fan who will expose where we are or attack me." We both laugh.

"Well, I promise you I am not any of those."

"That's what a murderer would say."

We laugh again. The doors open and we walk out. We turn right and skip a few doors to reach room number 519.

Before he opens the door, he turns and looks at me to say something. "Please promise you won't tell anybody about this. The last thing we need are rumors spreading around the internet."

I nod. "I totally understand. I won't say a single word about it."

"Promise?" In his eyes, I can see that he seems so nervous and worried that I'll say something about our talk and that it will be all over social media. I want him to trust me, so I nod my head and say, "Promise."

He smiles, maybe out of relief, and opens the door holding it for me. A normal hotel room, I think. I never knew why people always want to see a famous persons hotel room. They all look the same, there's no difference.

"Sorry, it's kind of a mess," he says sitting on the bed closest to the window.

I look around. Bish where? Except for a sweatshirt on the floor, there's nothing else.

"You can sit over here," he says moving his head toward the spot next to him. He smirks at me. Not in that way! In a friendly way. (I know what you were thinking, ya dirty minded children).

As I walk closer to Jimin and sit down next to him, my heart pumps faster and faster. I've always dreamed of meeting BTS and seeing them in concert, but talking with them earlier and now having a serious talk with Jimin? Never did I think that this was somewhat possible.

I'm sitting here nervously, waiting for him to say what he has to tell me. My hands are trembling, but it's not enough to where he will notice.

"I was wondering," he starts off, "if you felt it too?"

What was he talking about? I tilt my head in confusion.

"At the concert. When we were singing DOPE."

Now I know what he's talking about. That's when we stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever.

"Yeah... I did."

It becomes awkward silence again.

"What do you think it meant?" he asks.

I shrug my shoulders. What could it have meant? Was it possible that—no, it can't be.

"I'm not sure, but maybe... i don't know."

Jimin looks at me abruptly. "Maybe what?"

"I-It's a crazy thought, it's probably not it."

"Tell me." He doesn't say it forcefully, but rather calmly and curiously.

I sigh giving in. "What if the universe wanted us to meet? What happened at the concert... what if that was just a sign showing us that we were going to meet? That..." I trail off. I don't want to go too deep into thoughts.

Jimin's eyes were opened wide and his facial expression was showing no more than that he doesn't know what to think.

I look down and fidget with my fingers. "It's crazy, I know."

Promise? (Jimin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now