Chapter 5

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I quickly look away and act like i'm writing in my notebook. Why are they here?

"Who, Y/N? Who is they?? I'm literally dying to know!"


"GASP! GURL YASSS! Can you talk to them? Or will their security guards like forbid you to even look at them?" Matthew laughs and then looks at my expression. "You just saw them in concert, why are you so shocked right now?"

I'm staring at my notebook with wide eyes. Just even thinking about being in the same room with them makes my heart race.

"Hey Matthew," I whisper, "I gotta go, but if I do end up talking to them, I'll let you know, okay?"

"Okay but—" I cut him off by closing my laptop. Should I just take my stuff and leave? Should I just say "good job tonight" and then go? I don't want to bother them though. Ugh, why is this so hard to decide?

I put my school supplies in my bag, put it on my shoulder, and start walking toward the door. Just before I could reach the door, a male voice says something.

"Excuse me?"

I turn around to face the 7 members from heaven. My idols all have their eyes on me. Jimin looks just as shocked as I am once he see's my face. I gulp.

"Y-yes?" I stammer.

"You're an ARMY?" Taehyung asks.

I nod. "H-how did you know?" My voice is shakey out of nervousness.

Namjoon chuckles. "You're wearing merch."

My face reddens from embarrassment. "Oh, yeah." I chuckle a bit also. I can see that all of them are smiling a little at me. "I went to your concert tonight, it was amazing. I've always wanted to dance like you guys."

"You like dancing?" Jimin asks. Now I get even more nervous. How will I manage to speak to him without stuttering? I mean, something definitely happened between us at the concert, but what was it?

"Yes, I love dancing. Being a professional dancer is my dream."

Jimin smiles at me. "That's amazing. It's nice meeting someone who loves the same thing I do."

I smile as him and we stare at each other.

"Cough cough!" Everyone turns to look at Suga.

"Did you really just say the words 'cough cough'?" Kookie asks.

Suga looks at the table. "I just want my food."

"Oh yeah! Jimin was too distracted by—"

Jimin slaps Jin's arm. Jin and Taehyung burst into laughter from Jimin's flushed face.

"You're too adorable when you get embarrassed, Chim Chim." Taehyung ruffles Jimin's hair. He slaps his hand away and everyone laughs.

I turn my head away and giggle. My face is too red, I don't want them to see that I'm more flustered than Jimin is.

"Well, I should probably leave. I'm sorry if I took up your time!"

"No, you can sit with us if you want! There's a seat next to Jimin." Jin looks at Jimin and raises his eyebrows a few times. Jimin rolls his eyes and tries to hide his smile.

I look at them shocked. Was he being serious? "O-okay," I say walking toward the seat to Jimin's left. Is this even real life? When I sit down, I pinch my leg. Well, I definitely felt pain.

I look at Jimin and he turns his head toward me. I couldn't help but smile. Up close in person, he looks even more perfect than on screen. Jimin returns my smile with his perfect, white teeth, eye smile. His cheeks are totally flushed, but I bet mine make me look like ketchup was smeared all over my face.

"So," J-Hope starts, "what's your name?"

"Y/N," I say. Surprisingly, I didn't mess up my name. Take it cool Y/N, take it cool. Just breathe.

"Ah, Y/N, I like it! Very pretty name!"

"Thank you," I say. I'm gonna assume that I won't stop smiling my entire life.

"Ooo! Y/N! Who's more handsome? Me or Tae?" Taehyung stands up and looks at Jin. "Not fair!"

Everyone laughs. "Hyung, don't make her uncomfortable," Jungkook says.

"But, I want to know!"

They all start fighting in Korean, so I can't understand. Jimin looks at me and whispers, "I think Y/N is a beautiful name."

My feelings become uncontrollable. My face heats up and my smile is bigger than ever. I have never felt like this before. Could it be just because he's a perfect human being who just complimented my name? Yes, i'm gonna believe that theory.

                   • • • • • • •

It's been about thirty minutes. They've just been asking me questions about myself, so I tried to ask questions about them like "What is it like being an idol who changes people's lives through music?" They'd just answer it shortly then continue to ask me questions. Why are they so interested in what I like and don't like?

"So, the 0 said to the 8, 'Hey, nice belt!'" Jin starts laughing at his own dad joke. I laugh along because him laughing at his own joke is kinda funny.

"Y/N, your laugh sounds JUST like Jin's!" Jungkook points out. "You both are windshield wipers!" All of the guys start laughing including myself. I guess my laugh does sound like Jin's. I've never noticed that until now.

Someone's phone beeps. Namjoon picks his phone up and reads a text message. "Guys, we have to get back to our rooms." Everyone suddenly turns disappointed.

"Bye, Y/N. It was a really amazing time hanging out with you!" Namjoon says. The rest of the members say their goodbyes and leave the room, except for one certain person. Jimin.

He walks up to me looking shy. My heart speeds up a million miles per hour. I feel as if i'm going to faint. It's gonna be hard for me to speak.

"Hi," he says.

"Hi." I choke out the word just on time.

We both just awkwardly stand looking around the room. He coughs as he gains confidence to say his next words.

"I have some stuff I want to talk to you about. So, if you want we can go back to my room and we can talk there."

Holy fucking shit. Did I hear that all correctly? I nod almost blacking out and I follow Jimin to the elevator.
hehehehe i love this already y'all. honestly, when i thought of this story, i didn't really know what to write about after the next one or two chapters sooo imma have to work on that haha. ugh i need to sleep sooo night :)

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