Chapter One: London.

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Chapter One: London.

***No One's P.O.V***

The ocean was calm, and the moon shone brightly over the water, as if the iridescent raise of the moon were doing a tango with the sea. It was well past midnight and once again the now famous duo, Jack and Sophie were separated. Which seemed almost impossible to happen, but it still did. How? That's the very same question Jack had been asking himself for the past three weeks. Almost a month! And the woman who's carrying his child was missing.

The night when the battle between Jack and Jones was over, the newly married couple decided to sail back to Tortuga and celebrate properly, however, that very same night, Barbossa stole the Black Pearl from Jack and with it, his daughter. He thought he was doing good by intentionally wanting to spend more time with his daughter to make up for the lost years. But by doing so, he made the situation worse but separating the young couple. They sailed throughout the night and by the time Jack realised Sophie was missing, it was too late.

"Great! Now we're both off to prison." Gibbs said annoyed as Jack sat next to him in silence.

"Not to worry, mate. I paid off the driver. Ten minutes we'll be outside of London town, horses waiting. Tonight, we'll make the coast then it's just a matter of finding a ship." Jack said to Gibbs.

Gibbs looked at Jack a little confused. "And where's Sophie in all this?" Gibbs asked him. As soon as the words left his mouth, Jack tensed immediately.

"She's gone.... again. And this time I don't know where to begin to find her." Jack said in a pained voice.

"Where were you two together last?" Gibbs questioned.

"Tortuga. She told me she was going to go back to our room and when I got there, she wasn't. I searched for days and not a sign of her." Jack answered.

"You two been separated before and nothing's ever stopped you from finding each other, so why should this time be any different?" Gibbs questioned him.

"Because this time, she's carrying my child. She's due to give birth in the next few months. She can't go through that alone." Jack replied back.

"You're a different man then you were to when I met you, Jack. The old you wouldn't have even given it a second thought and here you are-" Gibbs was saying before he was interrupted by Jack.

"Because of Sophie, mate. She's changed me, she's shown me there's more to life than just rum and treasure." Jack replied as he smiled softly to himself, remembering all the memories they shared. He's favourite day was the day he found out Sophie was pregnant.

"Anyway, I hear a rumour, arrived in London town just this morning to rescue one Joshamee Gibbs from one appointment with the gallows. Seeing as your still alive, I'd say all's been very successful so far." Jack finished as he took a drink from Gibbs's flask. Gibbs nodded his head

"What happened to you Gibbs? I thought you were employed elsewhere or otherwise engaged?" Jack asked him.

"Aye but I always listened like a thief for news of the Pearl. And seeing as now you and your pregnant wife are separated, I can't really bring myself to leave you in a time like this." Gibbs said to Jack honestly.

"don't get soft with me." Jack said to him but deep down, he was happy to know his friend was there for him.

"Nobody's seen where the Peal might make her next port and then.... I heard a rumour, Jack Sparrow was in London with a ship, looking for a crew." Gibbs said as he took a swing from his rum. Jack sat beside him looking at him with confusion.

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