Chapter Eleven: Moonlit Rendezous

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Chapter Eleven: Moonlit Rendezvous. 

                     ***No one's P.O.V***

The constant bickering was growing on Sophie's nerves. The forever ending disagreeing and the lack of trust, was growing its toll on her. Not having anyone to talk too, resulted in her bottling up her true emotions.

For now, everything was fine however, in the long run, the lack of communication between the two newlyweds was going to make or break their relationship. Neither one of them were innocent, nor had enough courage to admit they were in the wrong.

For the remaining days of the voyage, Sophie had left Jack to his own endeavours, knowing he needed to be left alone. Although it was the complete opposite. He wanted nothing more than to just have her back in his arms again, a place he knew she belonged. But, just like Sophie, he was insanely stubborn. Resulting, an awkward silence between them every time they were in each other's sights.

As for Jack? he's been constantly avoiding Sophie, distracting himself with his duties onboard, knowing he was unable to contain his frustration. Constantly being left alone in dark, he knew trying to reason with her was a dead-end road. So, he pushed aside his feelings and continued on his tasks. Secretly, crying out for help, silently.

She was due to give birth any day now and the mere thought terrified her. Since being away from her father and the crew she developed close bonds with small, sudden changes in her routine triggered her anxiety she thought she'd out grown.

In any case, she'd go to Jack, knowing he'd be able to redirect her thought process and provide the comfort she needed. But, this time, she refused to bother him with her problems, she had a constant fear that she was secretly annoying him and so, she remained silent like the night.

Of course, every time Sophie tried to cover up her true emotions, every time she tried so hard to conceal it, it become obvious to everyone who was close to her. Admitting to defeat and asking for help, wasn't something Sophie could easily do. In fact, it was the one thing she struggled with the most.

Refusing to let down her barriers to allow someone in to help her. She couldn't bring herself to dump her problems onto someone, fearing they were secretly bothered by her plead.

Upon the travel to the island, Blackbeard ordered his crew to sink any ships they passed. Recklessly disregarding who they were, not caring for the laws of the sea. Sophie, being the first mate, it was her job to scout onboard and take anything worthwhile.

During one of her outings, in the captain's quarters, was a dark oak, locked chest. Tucked under the covers of the foot of the bed, with just a corner uncovered. Sophie was drawn, mainly from curiosity. She walked over and pulled it out, using her sword to dispatch the lock. She lifted the top off and with a loud thud, it opened.

An unopened bottle of vintage, pirate rum was the first thing she found. Along with a necklace and a gold nugget. She continued rummaging through and underneath piles of navigational charts and old maps, she found a black leather, bounded journal. She unwrapped the leather strings and flipped through the book to find it hadn't been used. She tucked it into the pocket of her waistcoat and left the ship for her own, making sure to offer the items to Black Beard. However, keeping the journal for herself.

Across the sea on board of the Providence, Gillette was piloting the ship with Gibbs standing next him, studying the ship's compass. While Barbossa, held a silver platter bearing a speared of finely sliced apple. Barbossa started to feast, taking a small bite of his apple slice before noticing Groves standing before him, backed by the other crew members.

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