Chapter Three: A Change of Events

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Chapter Three: A Change of Events. 

                                                                                   ***none's p.o.v***

Jack turned around to the all to familiar voice, a voice which belonged to a man who had perfect timing. A voice that was △⃒⃘Lways around when he needed him the most.

"Hello, dad." Jack greeted with a small smile. Teague knew Jack wasn't his self and without any words being said, Teague gestured for Jack to follow him into the pub.

Jack and Teague made their through the busy pub, trying to avoid colliding with drunk fellows and bar maids. They managed to score a corner table in the back of the pub, a place that was a little ways from the hustle and bustle towards the entrance.

"I heard you were putting together a crew." Teague asked his son.

Jack rolled his eyes slightly and grumbled. "If enough people had said it, if must be true." He stated simply, applying that the rumours his father had heard, were nothing more then just rumours.

Teague nodded, understanding what his son was saying. He took a swing of his rum and noticed a garment in his hair that wasn't there the last time they had encountered.

"Is that your tooth?" Teague asked as the light reflected off the tooth and captured Teague's attention.

"Aye, I broke it, swallowed it, passed it, sifted it, retrieved it, polished it.... fashion." Jack said as he flipped his hair off of both shoulders. Teague nodded not really sure how to respond to his son.

"I see and what's become of Sophie? How's the baby going?" Teague asked. Jack tensed in his spot, he still hasn't come to terms that there was a possibility that his wife and unborn baby could in fact be gone, forever.

"She's lost, so I've been told. Wether that be true or not I don't know. I'm hoping she's safe somewhere and it's just matter of finding her... again." Jack admitted.

"I'm sorry." Teague said not knowing if more or less needed to be said. "So the fountain?" He asked him after a moment of silence.

"You've been there?" Jack inquired.

"Dose this face look like it's been to the fountain of youth?" Teague quizzed his son.

"Depends on the light." Jack defended.

"Son, the fountain. There be items required for the profane ritual. Uttered to Jack.

"Oh." Jack responded.

"The profane requires two chalices." Teague continued.

"On the map. There was a chalice-" Jack began but was cut off by his father.

"Two chalices. Silver, from Ponce de Leno's ship. you need em both." Teague explained.

"For?" Jack questioned not following.

"The ritual, don't be a fool. Find out the ritual, every detail before you set sail." Teague told Jack in a serious voice

"Set sail? Love to. For that, I'd need a ship." Jack replied.

"Those folk over there, they have a ship." Teague pointed out as he slightly tilted his head over at the far end of the room, where a man was playing his mandola.

"And Jackie. One last thing, the fountain will test you, mark my words." Teague replied, Jack nodded. They took their drinks in their hands and they held them up in the air.

"To Sophie." Teague tossed with a sympathetic look on his face.

"To Sophie." Jack smiled and they both took a large swing from drink their cups. Jack turned back to the fellows who were recruiting a crew and the turned back to his father, to find he had already left.

Across the room, scrum finishes an impressive lick and Jack moved behind him with a knife to his throat.

"I hear you be recruiting a crew." Jack stated.

"Aye. That is, Jack Sparrow be putting together a modest venture." The man said, he turned around and realised the sailor was dressed like Jack but had no idea that the real Jack Sparrow was standing in front of him.

"You have some nerve, showing up here dressed like that." The man named scrum chimed.

"Don't you know who I am?" Jack asked, giving the sailor an odd look.

"Well if you don't know who ya are, how'd I be known?" Scrum replied back with a deep chuckle. "Hey! Here's a bloke, what forgot his own name!" Scrum shouted for the whole pub to hear.

"I'm in boys! Who'll buy a sailor a drink?" A man who wrote down his name to join Jack's Sparrow's crew.

Jack rolled his eyes and averted them as he stood back, he had no idea how he was going to convince anyone he was the real Jack. Lost in his thoughts, Jack noticed a strange silhouette upon the wall that was across from him. In his eyes, the outline looked like the shape of his own shadow. He tilted his head in admiration. As he stepped closer, he tried to see around the corner but failed, so he decided to leap out into an empty room.  he heard a noise and turned around. The imposter Jack sparrow emerged from his hiding place in the darkness. He was wearing the same attire, with the same dreads and walked around with the same amount of swagger mixed with balance issues. Jack drew his sword and the imposter mimicked his every action, including his foot work. As the two Jack's held their swords, the challenge was set.

"You've stolen me and I'm to take me self-back." The real Jack claimed and they both ran to hide behind a post.

They peek out to each other and the two jacks leaped out from the post at the same time with exactly the same slashing attack. The two swords clash and the pair are in perfect sync. The two jumped up onto the hearth and they faced off yet again. When Jack moved the imposter copied, Jack played with his beard and the imposter copied him again.

"Stop doing that!" Jack said tired of the mimicking.

Jack dodged the imposters advanced and tolled expertly onto the crate the imposter did the same move but without the roll. Jack tossed his sword back and forth between right and left hand and yet again, the imposter did the same thing. The pair fought up a ramp the imposter who was at the top was pushing barrels down. Jack fell face first over the barrel, and then dodged the second one gracefully.

They climbed up into the rafters and continued the battle jumping from beam to beam. The imposter swung the pulley at Jack, Jack caught it and the pulley breaks, Jack landed on the stack of barrels and the imposter leaped down. They fought upon the barrels but the weight of both and the sudden movements caused the barrels to break loose from their hold and they rolled from each side.

They both jumped down and Jack went to advance upon the imposter as he had the upper hand. However, the imposter was one step ahead and spun around gracefully causing him to doge all of Jack's moves. He continued to spin around and slashed Jack's sword out of his hand, leaving him weapon less. But the sudden twist move gave away the identity of the imposter and Jack recognised tat move all too well.

"Only one person alive knows that move." Jack stated Suddenly. 

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