Chapter Nine: When Love and Hate Collide.

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Chapter nine: When Love and Hate Collide.

***No one's P.O.V***

Sophie retreated to her own quarters after the unnecessary events occurred thanks to Jack. She sat upon her bed, her heart hurting and mind full of confusion. The circumstances of the unfortunate conundrum was a had ship to pass.

But what she was unable to understand was why it was so hard for Jack to simply trust her. Lost in her tangled thoughts, she hadn't realised Angelica entered her chambers.

"Sophie? Can we talk?" Angelica asked politely in her Spanish accent.

Sophie jumped from the sudden voice but relaxed once she worked out who it was. Sophie nodded to Angelica and she made her way over to the bed where Sophie was.

"Is everything okay?" Sophie asked concerned. After what happened just moments ago, she generally was worried, anything could happen on this ship.

"Yes, everything's fine. I just wanted to ask you something." Angelica told her truthfully.

"Fire away." Sophie replied with a small smile.

"Do you still love Jack?" Angelica asked.

Sophie looked at her dumbfounded, she had no idea how to answer such a question and certainly out of all people to ask. She knew she needed to be careful of her answer.

"Well he's the father of my child, there'll always be an element of love there, that'll never change." Sophie answered.

"You didn't answer my question; do you love him?" Angelica asked again.

"Don't be absurd, Angelica." Sophie replied, once again dodging the question.

"I know the look of love when I see it." Angelica pointed out.

"My dear, I do believe the sun has gotten to your head. Perhaps you should rest." Sophie responded sarcastically.

"Sophie, I know you still love him." Angelica told her.

"Well then, if you knew. Why all the bloody questions?" Sophie asked, folding her arms over her chest like a child.

"Just curious. I wanted to make sure this wouldn't effectively come in the way of the plan." Angelica said suspiciously, raising her eyebrow at Sophie.

"Are you questioning my loyalties?" Sophie asked in a dangerously low voice.

"Not so much questioning, more of a threat." Angelica stated.

"That's not a threat, it was a statement, meaningless words." Sophie pointed out expertly.

"And I'll have you know, if it wasn't for my ingenious idea, Jack wouldn't even be aboard the ship. Your father gave me the title of second mate and as such, it's my duty to protect the ship and her crew of persons who question the authority of Blackbeard himself. And I'll not hesitate to demolish anyone who's loyalties lie elsewhere, I'll follow through with my responsibilities. Even if you're his daughter. That's a threat, see the difference?" Sophie finished, walking up to Angelica, leaving no room for her to escape.

"As for the love of Jack, I don't love him. However, he is the father of my unborn child and I will not allow my child to grow up without a father. If anything happens to him, I won't hesitate to kill anyone who inflicts harm on him. Do I make myself clear?" Sophie said with angry in her eyes.

"Crystal. But, if you don't love him, why are you pushing him away?" Angelica shot back.

"I just finished telling you I didn't." Sophie replied rolling her eyes.

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