(Ch 7) How I Paid for College

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She sipped on her coffee, giving her a moment to consider what exactly this subject change entailed. A spark of remembrance illuminated her mind.

“So, are you excited about graduating this year? Law school seems like it should be fun.”

He snorted, which almost had her laughing. “Fun isn’t the word I’d use.”

She chuckled. “Then what word would you use?”

He considered this. “Terrifying,” he shuddered.

That one single word held so much. “You’re not looking forward to Law school then?”

“No, I am. Don’t get me wrong. It’s something I’ve been dreaming about for years now. I am looking forward to it.”

“But,” she prompted, sensing there was something he wasn’t telling her.

“But,” he said after a moment, “I guess the thought of me finally going to Law school is terrifying in itself. It means my dream of becoming a lawyer is almost within my grasp. I’m just… scared that I won’t live up to certain expectations.”

“Expectations from your dad?”

“Yes and no,” he replied vaguely. “My dad was never one to push me into something I didn’t want to do. Yeah, sure he’d always hoped I’d join him someday in our family’s law firm, but he wouldn’t want me there if it’s something I didn’t want.”

“So he’s not pushing you into this?” she asked, trying to understand how he feels.

Tate shook his head. “No, it’s not his style. The day I told him I wanted to study law he asked me if I was sure and that I didn’t have to do it just to please him.”

Charley smiled at this. She was glad he had some sort of a support system at home.

“So yes, there is some sort of expectation from his side, but no pressure. I think it comes more from me actually.” He said on a sigh.

Charley could understand where he’s coming from. She placed a lot of pressure on herself to excel and achieve her goals. It was her motivation, among other things.

“I can understand where you’re coming from. I place a lot of pressure on myself as well. The thought of failure is not an option.” She said.

There was a slight smile that played at his lips. “Yeah, it’s the one thing that terrifies me.”

She shrugged. “I think it’s good to have that fear instilled in us. It keeps us on our toes.”


They held each others gazes, Tate overjoyed to have gained some common ground with her finally.

Noticing that all too familiar glint in his eyes, Charley hastily said. “Err… about that cake.”

“Ah, yes.” He pulled out two plastic forks he’d swiped from inside the café, handing her one. Opening the container, he sighed making her laugh.

“It can’t be that good. You look like you’re in love.”

“That’s because I am.”

She froze in panic, shocked by his statement. She could hear the double meaning behind his words, especially with the way he looked at her.

The look of panic Tate saw flash in her eyes had him laughing out just too ease her tension. “Relax, I’m only playing with you.”

“I know,” she muttered.

“Here,” he placed a generous piece on his fork, “taste and prepare to be amazed.”

She didn’t like being fed like an infant. She never understood why couples found it romantic to feed each other.

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